The Rosary-A Way of Living-The Crucifixion-The Final Promise.

Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

( This again this is a transcript of a tape cassette recording as part of a Rosary Course - not all the recordings are available -It was given to Maureen as a Locution so just let the words flow).

The Crucifixion.


The Message of the Holy Family is a Message of great Love which is offered to people. And Jesus and Mary explain that by offering this Message with a deep desire to show people that God loves the World so deeply that He is prepared at this point in the history of the World to help those people who Love Him understand to the full, the height and the depth the beauty and the glory of Love- this is the Promise of the Oasis Message- this is the offering which Jesus and Mary have been trying to let people understand.

Mary explains that people have not wished to understand this Message of Love- people have refused to listen to this Message of Love- people have chosen to ignore this Message of Love- people have rejected this Message of Love so forcefully and grossly and with such ambivalence that Jesus and Mary's hearts are so full of sorrow at this rejection.

 The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery is all about a mockery, a humiliation, a rejection which is so great that God saw this rejection and took part in this rejection -experienced this rejection to the full- Jesus as God entered into a total humiliation which was so bad that He endured a very  dreadful agony which allowed Him to feel to the full the height and the depth of Sin and Evil and every kind of loathsome denial of Love that had been offered and would be offered to Him as God. He endured this in silence in utter rejection, in agony, in desolation that amounted to a Supreme understanding of the depth of Darkness. He as God let Himself endure this because He as God had to prove to Himself as God that he could see through this Darkness to the Light and the Love and the Beauty that He believed to be Himself. Jesus explains to me that as He hung on the Cross in this desolate state of agony He understood the full Horror of Sin - no person on earth apart from Himself could endure this experience -He explains this to me very clearly- no person on earth apart from Himself could have endured this experience - He endured it because He believed that through this endurance he could allow Love to win through-He could allow Love to win through- He could allow the Power of His Love to win through.

Jesus explains to me that every part of His agony was endured with Love - every part of His agony was endured with a belief in the Power of Love- he knew that if He could achieve this He would be able to lift the World finally into a development which would allow those people who would be with Him to move finally into a Real and True visible and concrete understanding of the Power of Love.

As He died on the Cross His experience of desolation was total- He had to move through a Darkness which was so black and dense and thick that it almost annihilated Himself in both body and Soul- He looked through this Darkness because He believed in Love.

He now wishes those people who say that they believe in Him to move with Him through this Darkness- through this Darkness into a Light which will be offered to them when they show Him that they too believe in Love. Jesus and Mary ask those people who believe in Love to show this Love now in a very simple, honest, clear and beautiful way which lets themselves see that they believe in Love.They explain that Love is very real - Love is very concrete -people who say that they believe in Love need to show its reality to themselves. People who say they believe in Love need to show like Jesus that they are prepared to give up everything of themselves for this belief - if they can do this now Jesus and Mary promise that they will be led very simply, beautifully, lightly, and concretely into a final understanding of Love which will show them that Love really is the answer to every dreadful distorted misunderstanding of Life which has hit the World so hard that the World is crumbling now into a dreadful depletion of itself.

Jesus and Mary beg those people who say they believe in Them to move now in such a concrete expression of their Love that their Love really does begin to show itself and Jesus and Mary ask those people who say that they believe in Them to know that Jesus as He died on the Cross knew that Love would finally be achieved by every human being that had ever been created - He saw this- He believed this- this was the Vision which finally allowed Him to conquer every fragment of Evil, Sin,lack of Love that had ever existed or would exist within the World and this was the Triumph which He now wishes in this Final Development of Life to prove to be the Triumph of Love- the Triumph of Life- and the Final Defeat of Death.


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