A Continuation of Open Your Heart

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our trust in you, keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our trust in you, keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

As this is  part 2 of the cassette transcript - part (1) should also be read in relation to this. Again it is a Locution so just let the words flow as if Maureen is speaking to you. As in secton (1) there is a direct link to Maureen's Youtube to listen to the actual recording.

Open Your Heart Side 2.

Jesus and Mary are explaining to me very consistently the fact that God does wish in the days ahead to bring into the World a beautiful understanding of His Love - a beautiful understanding of Man's ability to Love Him and we know that at present the World is not entering into this understanding in any forceful way. So Jesus and Mary are explaining through this message that increasingly God will bring into the World this Supernatural help which will be very concrete and very visible and my message is trying to prepare people for this event, and trying to prepare people for this event in a most comforting and reassuring way because the message that I receieve from Jesus and Mary is very loving, very reassuring and very comforting. And They are trying constantly to explain to me that God wishes to be so close to people that Fear just beins to melt away.

They explain that Fear is really the root of so much distress and anxiety and suffering - They explain that God really does wish people to come to know Him so closely that they really do begin to depend on Him very deeply- this is the bond that They talk  of between God and the individual. They also explain very clearly that God has created individuals with a particular bond which relates to  Himself and they are trying to explain through this message that in this final development in the World - God will increasingly show people who can just simply open their hearts to Him in Love and Trust that He is very close to them and He can actually uplift them into a new meaning of the understanding of Life.

This message is so comforting because it is explaining that really this is Jesus' achievement for us - Jesus so loved and gave His Life so He coud offer His Life for us so that finally the World would be able to link up with Him in a communion of Loving which would show people increasingly as individuals that they could enter into this communion of Loving with God and each other and actually restore the World to a harmony and dignity which it needed so greatly at this point.Jesus and Mary explain that this is Their whole Vision and They know that this Vision will be accmplished- so They are asking people who have knowledge of this message now  to simply be aware of this really beautiful Vision this really beautiful hope for the future and Jesus and Mary are explaining that with this help for the future people can begin to move now into a way of living which will increasingly show them that they are moving along with this rhythm of Jesus and with Mary and they are actually helping in a practical way to make this Vision a reality.

This is what the message is all about a Plan of Action- a way of Loving and Living- which can allow people to increasingly enter into it in a practical way - to live together in a practical way and interact in a way of Loving and Living so positively that they begin to understand that they are linking up completely with God's Vision and as they do so they are beginning to understand that Life is becoming simpler- clearer- happier- more beautiful- more colourful- more vibrant- more alive- and they themselves are entering into Life in a way that is meaningful to them and functional and purposeful and they are increasingly finding that Life is something to be lived fully in a most positive way.

Now if you enter into this programme that of Jesus and Mary They would say to you- please believe that They are trying now to make you move very simply, very positively, very practically and very precisely into a Plan for Peace which will increasingly develop and will increasingly show you your own particular part to play. They do ask you to be very patient- They do ask you to be very committed if you wish to follow this Plan in some depth and in some detail because They explain that the consistency of the Plan means that it is a very ordered Plan.

Jesus and Mary have shown how to move into this in quite an ordered way because They do explain that order is really the very basis of stability and Truth and Goodness and Peace and Love and They want to show people that they can begin to enter into a really functional  and sound Plan. They explain too that this is God's Final Plan is a very functional way and They are asking you as an individual, as you begin this individual programme with Them to simply believe this and to move along with them in a very trusting, very loving, very hopeful and very sensibly - and They are asking you to begin a very practical relationship with Themselves which increasingly shows you that your Life is based upon these principles of Goodness and Love and Truth and Peace and Beauty and Justice, those principles which are God's fundamental principles of Loving and Living.

The Plan which They explain will be a political Plan and a perfect Plan will simply develop along the lines of a way of Life which is showing people increasingly that they can be perfectly contented in a very simple way. They explain that at present people are really not finding any contentment in Life- Life is giving them no sense of real deep positive peace because people are not really understanding why they are really alive. Jesus and Mary wish to explain through this message and through this programme that you yourself can begin to move through your Life in a very positive way in a way which increasingly shows you that you yourself as an individual are becoming more peaceful and contented.

At the moment They would ask you to simply reflect upon the following:-God really does wish to let you understand that you have been created by Him for a very special reason. He has given you Life - He has given you many abilities, many talents, many qualities which are unique to yourself. And God knows that if I discover these - if I really do discover these innate gifts that He has given me and if when discovering them I begin to make use of them very functionally then I've been very really found myself- Now Jesus and Mary explain that a very simple way of trying to understand these qualities-  a very simple way of trying to begin to get to know what these qualities is by simply allowing oneself to enter into an interior dialogue with God and with Jesus and Mary in a very simple way- They explain that this really can be done and it can be done very simply- and They ask you to try.

They explain to you that the way to try is by first of all relaxing.- relaxing in a physical way and also let all the cumbersome thoughts- the thoughts that are distressing you and worrying you and the thoughts that are on your mind in a complicated way- let go of them as very gently as you can  and make yourself very easy and as unpressurised-at the moment a moment in the day when you can be quiet - alone- and relaxed and in that moment They would ask you to simply let yourself reflect very gently upon the following idea and let this idea float through your mind in a very easy way- let it go straight through and out of your mind in a very easy way and let yourself respond to the easiness of the reflection so that it really does just drift in and out very simply very gently and don't hurry or relax in a complicated way- let it drift in and out of your thoughts very easily and let your Heart turn upon the idea because They explain that the Heart is really the way in which we do properly understand- we understand with the Heart in an enlightened way as the Heart really does give us the ability to see clearly - because the Heart is really all to do with Love and if we are using our Heart properly we are simply trying to use it in a Loving way and as we begin to do this we actually begin to understand that the Heart is able to show us very clearly the way to go and if we are trying to  do the right thing in the right way, in a Loving way and a True way then God will simply begin to clarify our vision and our understanding and our feelings so that we really are beginning to understand and to see more clearly and because God is very close to us in this moment of using the Heart and trying to really be with Him and understand where we are going in a True way- He will simply direct us in this way and there will be no fear of taking the wrong path- there will be no fear of going the wrong way because with enlightenment people really do see clearly.

Jesus and Mary are asking to further reflect on this and to do this in a very honest and sincere and open way - understanding that if you really do wish to know where you are going and if you really do wish to know the right way to go and the True way to go - God will never mislead you or misguide you or let you do anything that is wrong - but They do explain that really simpleness and openness is the crux of it all- and the opening of the Heart is really the way in which we begin to understand all sorts of things that before were rather misleading to us, distressing to us- these things will become increasingly much simpler to understand and because of this so the problems of Life will begin to become much simpler to understand. And Jesus and Mary explain that many of these problems will begin to dissolve and the approach to Life will begin to be much more positive and thoughtful and simple- uncomplicated and really beneficial.

They would say to you please to try this little exercise when you feel you do need guidance - when you feel you really do wish to understand what to do about a particular situation or problem. They explain that God will certainly show you what to do if you really open your Heart and ask Him and They will certainly show you what to do if you simply open your Heart and ask Them.


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