Moments With Mary - chapt.4/5/6/7

To care with you,
to share with you ;
to live and laugh
and love with you....

To care with you,
to share with you ;
to live and laugh
and love with you....

Moments With Mary - Chapter 4

Mary explained to me that people have lost this understanding of Love because people are not using their heart in the correct way. This is why She through her many Messages has tried to convey the importance of the heart. Jesus has tried to convey the importance of the heart and They have linked it very clearly with Love. Mary was explaining to me that this idea of the heart has become once again so trivialized and manipulated and over sentimentalized that people really do look down on the idea of Love and the heart or else She explained they make it into a melodramatic misunderstanding which looks to fantasy so stupidly that there is no realism here, no reality.

Mary explained to me that the heart really is the core of our being, it is connected very closely to our Soul and it allows us not only to function in a physiological way which gives us Life and vitality but also lets us be moved in our emotional life in a way which is very real and deep and true. If we open our hearts to Love Mary explained we are moving so deeply into a clear understanding of Life. We will begin to see Life in a different way. We begin to see the things which are important to Life, the things that are important in our own Life,and the Life of each other. And we begin to live Life in a way which is good and meaningful and peaceful, because Mary explained that when people use their heart in a daily way of living they really are entering into a much deeper and more enlightened appreciation of life which begins to let them understand that Life is really very simple. Life should be very simple and there is no need whatsoever to make Life more complicated by intellectualizing it in an over exaggerated way, or using the mind to over analize and dissect and dry-up everything that should be very apparent to us through using our intellect very simply to link it with the heart and then it will become much more attuned to a loving way of living which is making use of Life in a sensible way.

Mary also explained to me that life today is in a very weary state, people are very weary, people are being dragged down by their materialistic understanding of life. She explained that God had created people to be very beautiful, God wishes people to be very beautiful, God wishes people to live Life very beautifully. She explained  that She Herself had lived Life very beautifully, that She had tried to to allow Her Life to develop in such a beautiful way that She understood Herself to be moving all the time closer to God in a real way.She explained to me that people today are so disorganized in their approach to Life that very few people are trying to understand why they are here living their Life because Mary explained that Fear is very deep in most people. People today are very weighed down with a sense of Fear.

She explained that this is a very deep psychological problem which most people become more and more obsessed with because She explained that the World today is becoming such a materialistic  place that Fear has to enter the scene because materialism is an understanding of life which makes people think that Life is bound to everything that is material. In other words, money and goods and possessions are the important things in life, people are less important than money and goods and possessions because people are really and honestly beginning to misunderstand Life so gravely that they are thinking that if they do not possess as much money and as many goods and possessions as they are able to they are not living Life to the full. Mary explained that this is a very real attitude which is dragging people down today so dreadfully that they are losing any simple, true, happy, peaceful, free philosophy of Life. They are becoming enslaved to this dreadful obsessive way of living which is really a misunderstanding of the meaning of Life.

Mary explained very clearly that the real meaning of Life is to live Life fully using every free gift God has given us fully so we develop ourselves perfectly in our way of living to give everything of ourselves that is good and beautiful to other people so that they can make use of this and return everything that is good in themselves to us so that the reciprocal interchange is perfectly loving and beautiful and free. Mary explained that yes this is an idealistic approach to life, an idealistic understanding of Life and an idealistic philosophy of life, but this is the way of Life that God  wishes us to live and anything less that this is really not good or true. Mary also explained that the World today is in great  need of a true vitality because She explained that it is very depleted in energy. Man has become so obsessed with materialisim that he is simply wearing out the World, all the resources of the World are becoming depleted in energy and people themselves are feeling jaded and the World is really being dragged down in a very heavy way, when as She explains the World should be full of lightness and brightness and colour, vivacity as God made it to be. She explained that very clearly that it is people that are destroying the World people with their selfishnesss and their greed and their negativity and their whole misunderstanding of what Life should be, and the whole way of thinking that they themselves are the very centre of Life. This is what is destroying the World, this is what is destoying people, and Mary explained this with such sadness that I began to realize that this whole misunderstanding of Life is the dreadful tragic development of the World which is upon us.

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Chapter 5

You see Mary was explaining to me that Life was becoming so dreadfully misunderstood as Life that people were no longer entering into Life in any kind of real way. She was explaining that Life on earth had become so demoralized, so completely linked with everything that was abhorrent and debased that people were unable to really think of Life in a real way. She explained that people were really becoming part of an illusion of Life that was not real or true because they were allowing  themselves to enter into this understanding of Life or rather this misunderstanding of Life. And they were beginning to see Life from this perspective; people were actually beginning to think that Life should be totally involved in their own way of living.Their own selfish understanding of everything that they could give themselves for themselves and people were no longer understanding that God had given Life so they could use their Life to fulfill themselves by helping other people- by Loving and Living with other people- this is the whole meaning of Life. A vitality which could enter into Life very fully because of an interaction which was loving and positive and good and true and God would be seeing that and God would be understanding that He had created Life so that Life could function in this beautiful and wholesome way.

Mary was explaining to me very clearly that Life was not developing in this way, people were becoming so introverted in their way of living that they were really destroying Life and letting Life sink into an apathetic understanding of itself which was devoid of the energy and vitality and the wholesome and intimate Love that should be building the World into a really beautiful World.

This picture became increasingly clear because Mary was letting me understand that people were really not understanding that they were living their Life in this way,or else they were not understanding that this way of life was the Real Way, because they were really convincing themselves that a true philosophy of Life was based upon a desire to give oneself every physical comfort and security that one could in terms of materialism. She explained that really materialism was so acute in the World that this meant that people were really unable to have any true philosophy  because materialism is so linked with everything that is material in other words, goods,and possessions, and money that anything that was built around concepts or of principles that were more abstract they just couldn't understand. And so She was saying that the whole idea of Love, the whole conceptional understanding of Love was really no longer understood, people really were not understanding the meaning of Love, people were not understanding that Love was the meaning of Life and if they were unable to Love, if they were unable to bring Love into Life their Life would increasingly become diminished.

She explained to me that really this was happening in a very grave way because very few people in the World were really able to Love, and She explained that Love really did require a full understanding of empathy. She explained that empathy was so involved in a deep understanding of oneself in relation to other people and other people's relationship with oneself that unless one could really begin to move into Life in a way that allowed one to feel in a deep way, in a sensitive way, in a way that really was feeling then there simply would be no understanding of Love.

And She further explained that many people really do think that they are loving people when the Love that they are understanding themselves to be feeling and showing was built on a misconception because they were simple feeling in a way that centred on themselves. So for example if somebody professed to Love his family and gave his family all the goods and possessions that he could provide them with security and thought this to be Love, which in fact was simply a desire to show himself that he was able to give people something that he felt was important and therefore he was completely deluding himself, because as he gave his family this sort of attention all he was doing really was bolstering up his own ego and the feeling part of the whole interaction was very shallow because had he considered his family in any real and true way he would have realized  that security can only be gained  by a real interaction of loving feelings.

Love is the whole way of being bound to goodness and kindness and caring and sharing in a way that gives of oneself rather than material goods.Now this to me was a very deep understanding of Love which really had to be entered into if I were to feel that I was progressing, if I was progressing in any realistic way and increasingly I began to see that certainly this empathy gave an understanding of Love which goes  way beyond a shallow understanding, a shallow explanation ,and it really does require one to think of the other person in a way which is very concrete and physical.And things like suffering take on a new meaning because one understands that if one can really begin to enter into the suffering of another person in a real way, one which is actually allowing themselves to experience a dimension of Life which is then very acute because one is beginning to understand that suffering happens because people are not interacting with each other in a positive way. And if one begins to interact with the other person in a way that is relly loving and beautiful and true ,one sees that suffering should not be - suffering should not exist because if each person is giving to the other everything that is good and beautiful of himself the other person is able to uplift himself by this interaction and the whole development would be completely positive.Mary assured me that this is the case and when She suffered on earth and Jesus suffered on earth their suffering was not brought about by themselves or their interaction with each other- it was brought about by the negativity of other people.

Chapter 6

So having explained all this to me I felt that there was really no way in which I could feel that the World was moving in any kind of positive way because I was seeing so much sufferng, so much lack of Love, so much selfishness and greed and hatred - so much disbelief in people's ability to Love that this was really depressing. And I began to understand that God was letting this happen because of the whole idea of Free Will, and He was allowing people to make the awful mess of Life because they really had to come about things in this way. They had to move into this whole climatic misunderstanding in order to finally decide for themselves that they wished to pull themselves out of this into something much better. In the Vision that Jesus and Mary were increasinly supplying me with was showing me that Life was able to be much better and God would finally show people that it could be much better and they could bring themselves into an understanding which would let them Live their lives in a much better way.In the way that Mary explained to be -The True Way- and the way that They would allow this, people would choose to enter it to be supplied with a very enlightened understanding of  Life which would move them continually into a very clarified perception of Life as it should be and they would find this enlightened perception so beautiful that they would wish with all of their heart to be here.

And Mary explained that this final development of Life would begin within my own  lifetime and She explained that She was asking me if I would help Her with a final development of life which would be so beautiful that people would be allowed to enter it in this enlightened way and it would move them increasingly into this clarified perception so that they could be protected very securely from a dreadful development of Life which would erupt very suddenly in the World and throw the World into total chaos. Mary was explaining that certainly this will be soon and She was asking me if I would help Her in a way that She would explain so that I would be able to help other people as this event developed. Of course because I believed very surely in this Vision, very surely in the presence of Jesus and Mary I felt that I was in no way able to refuse this request. And because it was given in such magnitude I felt that to consider refusing would be a gross insult, a gross imposition of my Will on God's Will and as such I really felt that I had to accept. And from that moment Mary began to explain in great detail exactly what this Final Plan would involve and what I myself would be involved in, so that I would understand that I was moving with Her in a very deep relationship which would increasingly let me see very clearly everything that I could do to be able to organize with Her this very beautiful final development which would allow those people who chose to be with it to see very clearly that they could be protected from a massive eruptive outbreak which would hit the World at such speed that people would not be prepared and further than this people would be manipulated into a very distorted development of Life which would throw them into a very desecrated way of living which God would increasingly allow to descend into a sphere which was temporary outside His orbit. At the same time in other words simultaneously there would be developing a protected arena which would let people move into it very safely if they choose to. Mary was explaining to me in great detail how this protected arena would develop and how I would be able to help people to move into it very easily, very simply but in a very precise and ordered way. She was also explaining to me as events in the World did develop this protected arena would provide people with a livelihood which is absolutely organized and simple and able to give them physical and spiritual protection which would allow them to be safeguarded from every dreadful climatic development that was simultaneously hitting the World. She explained of course that this would be integrated very completely into a Supernatural development which would become very visible to those people who were enlightened to see it, and although it was Supenatural it would be working on a physical plain and would be in the bounds of normality. People would be able to perceive it as normal if they could earn this enlightenment.And She explained that this enlightenment would be based very completely upon people's ability to Love and She therefore explained that this understanding of Love, this real feeling of Love this real empathic appreciation of Love was vital and people were really not achieving it.

Chapter 7.

So Mary was explaining all these things to me and Mary was also explaining that if I wished to develop the relationship with Her we needed to be so empathically united that this empathy would allow me to understand exactly how She was thinking and feeling in a way that related to the whole World development, and in a way which related to Her understanding of Life and God's understanding of Life and a real mission to finally show people that Life could return itself to a very beautiful state- where there would be no suffering- there would be no pain,- there would be no negativity. There would be no desire to live Life in a way which was devoid of Love, because Love would simply be the basic meaning of Life. Love would be the way in which people lived Life so fully- that Life would return to a way of living that was absolutely purified. She explained if I were to develop this empathic bond with Herself I would need to move deeply into an understanding of Life that Life for me would become a really true understanding of everything that I was doing in Life- everything that I was understanding to be my own way of living and I would therefore be  moving in a way that was completely bound to Love and to an understanding of Love and to a desire to live with a realistic understanding of Love that was so bound to Her understanding of Love that we would be  moving in this bond of Love in such a close and united way that this really would be the way in which I could perceive very clearly everything that She was wishing me to do, because She explained that God was so much involved in His Final Plan that He was allowing Her to integrate it with Him in a very beautiful ordered precise way- and She explained that as the Mother of God She has this prerogative.  God is allowing Her this prerogative.She also explained that if I would accept this task that She was offering to me I would be moving with Them in such a synchronized development that we increasingly organize a Plan which would be  very beautiful and simple and good and true and loving and would be able to allow people to enter into it in a very simple ordered beautiful way as the World began to enter into a very dismal misunderstanding of Life which would throw it completely into chaos.

At this point I really did feel that the task that She was proposing was a very enormous task and one which I was in no way equipped for and I also understood that She was explaining to me very simply that this is the task which God wished me to undertake and this is the task that I would be provided for in a very superlative way - so that there would be no concerns as to my ability to develop in the way that They would ask me to because I would be given much support, much help, much enlightenment, much grace, much understanding of everthing that They were asking me to do in a way that made sense- in a way that seemed perfectly real and true and loving. And Mary explained that I would always understand this Vision to be totally based upon Love and upon God's desire to show people that Love was His meaning and Love was Their meaning and I must admit that this really has been the very corner-stone of my belief.

Because I do believe totally in Love, I do believe absolutely in the enormity of Love. I have always felt and known that Love is the meaning of Life because for me I really can accept nothing that is indicative of Life in anyway that is not linked totally to Love, for me Love has to be the Reality. Love has to be the fundamental appreciation of why I am alive and why everyone is alive and why there is Life. Otherwise Life for me simply becomes nonsense.So Mary was explaining something to me which seemed very real and true and good and beautiful and promising and hopeful and She was asking me to be involved in this and I really felt at this stage that there  was no way that I could refuse, because to refuse Her would be a denial of my own belief in humanity and my own belief in the Truth of Life, and at this point in my Life I would feel that I had to understand my own Life to have a meaning- so the meaning that Mary was supplying me with was so true and realistic and good and sensible and beautiful that I could accept it very readily and simply. So I accepted the task offered to me by Mary and I decided that if I could also accept very simply the fact that God would provide me with enough grace. courage, strength and Love to develop in the way that He wished then I had nothing to worry about.

Chapters 8/9/10  See Menue for a new Page.

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