More Gentle Reflections from Maureen's Note book (5)

Mary 1988.

"A life of prayer is vital to you, you must never neglect your prayers. You must always keep in close contact with us; it is so easy to lapse into other ideas and scenes. We are always here, but you must alway focus."

A prayer from Maureen to Jesus.

Jesus - Easter is the fulfillment of your bond with all Creation, help me to enter into that bond fully. Let me enjoy afresh the true loveliness of Your Creation; all the lightness in my Life. The beauties of nature so freely given by You:- the colours of the sky, the flowers, the trees,the birds, the animals, all those creatures You have breathed Your loving breath of Life into to make us happy to bring us joy. Let us find happiness in them, and thank you.


Mary 1988 - Man's Mission in Life.

The words Unity and Separation are vitally important words. My Son's act of abandonment on the cross united Him in never ending Love with the Father.He drew to Himself all men- past, present, an future- who had separated themselves from God through Sin, and through Himself drew them to the Father's Love and won the opportunity of Eternal Life through Love for them. Man's mission in Life is to take up this gift of Eternal Life, but he can only do this by uniting with God in Love. So long as he separates himself from God (Jesus) there is disintegration rather than unity.This is individual Man but the theme works for Man as a whole, so that men can work for other men, to try to preserve the unity of Love by taking on their shoulders the weakness of others as Jesus did, and so work towards a perfect unification in Heaven.

A Prayer fom Maureen.

Jesus Your Crucifixion has lifted us out of the darkness of our negativity, up into the arms of Your great, strong Love. Seen in the Light of Your Resurrection the world is transformed into a place of  love ,beauty, brightness. Help me always to see it in this way, with clarity of purpose and vision as You see it, help me always to play my part in this transformation.- Maureen.

My Resurrection - Jesus 1991.

This is My Loving way of showing that I am God in a way of beautiful, effortless power, which I used to unite Myself with My own way of seeing Myself as a God of wholeness. Because My Resurrection allowed me to enter a full relationship with My Loving way of seeing Myself as God and as Man; and I united with this effort to cohese My personality into a beautiful way of seeing Myself as a God-man, who had achieved a lovely effort of unification of God with Man, and earned by His effort a lovely moment of happiness in Eternity for everyone.

Mary 1991

Laughter is the way in which we use our basic energy to become wholly involved in an easy understanding of the joy of God's Love.

Calvary Jesus 1991

You see, that effort on Calvary allowed Myself to see the full horror of Sin in a way that allowed the nature of sin to coalesce into an uproarious rebellion of Evil, in a total denigration of My Love of God and Man, which had to be forced into a whole cohesive strength by My own fusion of My Will in terms of Loving and Living to the fullest dimension of Truth. This enabled Me to preserve within Myself a beautiful Moment of Power,  which allowed Me to unite My essence of soul to the Godhead in a moment of total dedication, which rose above the whole desolation of My pitiful Agony into a fusion of Light. This allowed My whole body to gravitate into a beautiful energizing sphere of activity, which united it with God's own essence in terms of ecstatic unification. This was the whole moment of Truth which we began in Nazareth, as a fundamental effort of Mankind, in a beautiful final defeat of the horror of Sin and Satan and supreme epitomizaton of the gulf between God and Man, which could now become a new motivational sphere of realignment in terms of Loving wholeness and Peace.

My Philosphy - Mary 1991

I know that My own philosophy of Life is simply My belief in the goodness of God's Loving, in its whole ability to conceive a plan which has begun to finalise into a complete act of Love in terms of wholeness. You see My love, I am a total believer in God's loving wholeness, and I know that the ultimate effort of God will restore the Love of Man for God in a way which is fully reciprical in its great effort of harmony and Peace. And I wish to tell you that My own great love for God is the way in which I am offering the World My final effort to become united to my loving way of entering the fullness of God's Love, to enjoy Eternity with Him.

We've Lost our Balance.

It seems that since 'The fall' we have indeed lost contact with God to a great extent. Gravity has been pulling us down when we should in fact be drawing upwards towards God. God - as Love and Light- should be our centre of gravity and the proposed plan will begin to reverse the present situation. On the physical level this will mean that we will be shown how to regain a new sense of buoyancy, lightness, co-ordination of bodily functions and a new sense of well-being. The physical  senses will respond to this, and there will be a new harmony, gracefulness,'light as air' sensation.

On the psychological plane this proposed plan of 'lightening' will bring us back much more definately into God's Light and Love. It is as if at the moment we are not seeing at all clearly, we have lost sight of God, our vision is blurred and dimmed. With this new 'lightening' God's Light will return to the World much more intensely and we will see with new clarity of vision. We will be enlightened to see what is true and real,instead of blinding ourselves with the fantasies, fears and mental blocks which at present form such a large part of our lives.Our negativity will begin to dissolve; we will look at Life clearly and positively. The things of the ego, the selfishness, fear,greed,bitterness, and hate will begin to disappear; we will see them as unrealities, the darkness will diminish - the light will replace it increasingly.

On a Spiritual Level we will come into our own. We will increasingly realize that this is the level on which we are meant primarily to function. The life of our Soul, our Spiritual Life, will dominate in all activities bringing us into closer communion with God and with each other, this 'fusion of Love energy" is exactly what we have been created for. We will discover that we are indeed made in the image and likeness of God with what Mary decribes "A Luminosity of Soul and Spirit" - we will find our true selves and the sense of wholeness that Jesus and Mary talk so much about. We will begin to be fulfilled.

As the new 'Enlightened World develops, we will undergo a whole process of 'uplifting', so that men as individuals- and society- will learn to relate to each other and God in a perfect harmonious integration. Man will perfect his nature in a return to complete Love, goodness,compassion, and empathy and the Eucharist as Light energy, will enable him to do this.

Jesus and Mary gave Maureen some preparatory thoughts.

They say:-

(1) We must begin to control the ego- to really believe that everything in life does not centre around ourself, to stop looking inwardly and selfishly, thinking that pleasing ourself is the most important thing.

(2) We must have the humility to begin to look at other people and see everything that is positive in them realizing that their individuality forms an important part of the whole. They insist that when we see only the negative side of someone our own negativity qualities are foremost- disintegration and separation are the operative waords, energy can't gather.

(3)We need to begin to see that we, as inividuals, are involved in a whole movement, pattern of life, and we each have a part to play, a responsibility individually, that is why we are here, we can't sit back and be carried.

(4)We must begin to see God, His Love, Light and Energy as the basic Life force- we must use His energy with our own Soul  energy- develop it, keep the flow going, pass it on, draw it from others and use it positively to let it gather momentum.

(5)They want us to be happy and joyful and to share our joy with others and to keep a sense of humour - this is all energizing. They don't want us to be dreary. They always talk about Lightness, fullness, happiness.

(6)God has given us each a uniqueness- special gifts and tlents which no one else has. We have an inividual responsibility to use them to fulfill ourselves and others. We must be creative, not live monotonously, and enjoy Life to the full.

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