More Prophetic Writings.

To care with you
To share with you
To care with you
To Live and Love with you.

To care with you
To share with you
To care with you
To Live and Love with you.

The first 2 Sections of the Website deal mainly with the early Messages which were quite often quite personal to Maureen helping her to develop her personality through a difficult period in her Life. Jesus and Mary spoke to her in a very caring and sharing way as part of the Famiy- the Holy Family are a Family- Loving and Living  caring and sharing with each other and everyone.

For the more Prophetic writings click on to the Menue (Button) marked (MORE).    

( 'God's Final Plan'-'The Peace Plan'-'End Times'-'The Eucharist and the Rosary ' etc.)

A special Message from Maureen.

It has been a long time since The Oasis Vision began- 1988 infact. Through all these years it has never wavered from its central theme- 'Love in action'. It points to a future Event that will be massively beautiful for those following this way of Life and so the Oasis practical aspects has offered constant guidelines to help individual enlightenment in this way.

It needs so much enlightenment really for this Way of Life to work perfectly. It needs people who are willing to give their Life to a way of living that is dedicated to a True altruistic development where they live together, sharing all of themselves and what they possess in terms of talents, abilities and resources to develop an environment that is able to energize each other with the power of Love.

No wonder such a delay, such a long preparation ! Motives and actions will have to be elevated to an enlightened level, with a clarified perception, where Love is the primary, in fact the only meaningful motivation and function. Egoism, selfishness,greed, possessiveness, jealousies, etc. will have to go, and only then can this New World make a forceful movement into its meaning as Heaven of Earth.

We are moving into hot Summer days here in Malta, and so people are concentrating on more leisurely activities when they can. The Oasis Vision repeats as always the need that we have as individuals to realise that we can only find true relaxation when we are at peace with ourselves. This involves a complete reorganisation of one's Life to adopt a pattern that is truly based on a loving understanding of each other.

It appears that the main theme of modern society is a simple code that believes in the nature of happiness as linked with money. This is leading people into a false sense of safety because they lose sight of the real meaning of Life, which is to fulfill themselves as individuals in a way that lets them feel free.

Again the Message from The Oasis is that the best way to achieve this is with a simple approach that believes in a natural order in terms of living, so that people share their abilities to develop a Way of Life that is peaceful, free,safe, and secure, within a framework of interchange that has a Spiritual basis, this being Love in action.

So The Oasis Vision continues to advocate this Way of Life and infact states that it is the only way that can reorganize Life back into a truly stable development of Peace , Love and Light in the World

                                                              Love Maureen

A quotation from Mary to Maureen 1988

" Love is the totally energising Force that gives body to existence"

An Oasis Newsletter.

The New Way of Life and Peace Plan.

Mary is explaining to me in the Vision which I have daily, the way in which a mighty protection will be offered to those people who can believe it, who can see it,who can enter into it, and who can show God that they are able to Love and Live with Him finally in a completion of Life, because Mary explains that this is the Bond which I have entered into with Her, so that together we will offer a Final Plan which will be very simple, very beautiful, very upright, very loving, and absolutely bound to God's Final Plan. It will be so integrated into God's Final Plan that it will amalgamate with it in a very coordinated way, so that people will be able to use a 'Finality of Being' which is God's concentrated Essence of Love and Light in a mighty demonstrative Design.

People however have shown no belief in what Mary has offered through the Oasis Message. This Message is very closely bound to the private Vision and offers people a way in which the can be preparing to enter this ' Finality of Being' in a structured simple development of their own Life in an interaction with the Lives of others, in a way that God will oversee and God will allow to develop into a New World. Mary knows however that few are able to believe this, few are able to accept this, few are able to enter into this programme and develop with this programme in the way that She had wished so She now relies upon people all over the World who are entering into a very individualistic Bond with God, which is based upon a whole understanding of Life which God is enlightening people into in a very personal Bond. This personal Bond will be the way in which people will understand that there is a Plan which can protect them, and they will move increasingly into an orientation which is True, and they will be pulled increasingly into a magnetic field of energizing which is God's concentrated Power of Love, in a Final Episode which will be so mighty that it will obliterate Evil and reconstitute the World in a way that is so splendid that this will be the only Way of Life which God will enter into, and God will participate in, and God will allow to develop into a New World which is blended so perfectly with His Own Spirit of Love that it is seen to be a World where Love predominates and Love is the essential understanding of Life.

                                                    Love Maureen

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