A Christmas Marian Message

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

A Marian Christmas Message.

Mary is that being of love who is so close to God that She is able to offer people a very clear picture of everything that God wishes to see happening within the world. She can explain to people very clearly that God is the Being of Love who wishes people to love so perfectly that they can bring the world back into a really simple understanding of Love and Truth and Beauty and Goodness and Peace.

She has been explaining through Her many Messages over the world that people have really lost the understanding of Love, there is very little Love left in the world, there is very little way of living which is linked with love, because people are so caught up with selfishness and greed, and a desire for their own comfort, that they are forgetting that Love requires people to live together in a harmony which is giving to each other very consistantly. Mary explains that because of this the world has lost a simple understanding of Truth, and there is very little Truth left within the world. The world is heading for a dreadful cataclysmic development which it is bringing upon itself, and people are bringing upon themselves, because they really don't wish to know the Truth.

Mary explains that on that first Christmas Night when She gave birth to Jesus, Truth abounded in the stable at Bethleham, because She was given an experience of such ecstasy that the birth of Jesus took place in an aura of Love and Beauty and Truth and Peace, and this atmosphere conveyed itself in an ambience which was very beautiful, so that throughout the ages this ambience has been offered to people as a way in which they can capture the beauty of Truth and Love and Goodness and Peace, and see for themselves that this is what Life is all about. Now Mary explains that today this ambience has become so interfered with, so blocked out, so thwarted and manipulated and contorted, that the wonder of Christmas has gone, the wonder of Christmas is present in a very vague way, a very flimsy way, and its fleetingness is really so fleeting that people can hardly grasp hold of it at all.

She wishes people at this Christmas-time, to try with all of their heart to capture for a moment, within their own individual consciousness, a glimpse of the simplicity, the wonder, the beauty the truth the love of life.She says that this can only be done when people really begin to accept the fact that they as individuals have a vitally important part to play in the Life of the world. This important part which they have to play does not centre round themselves, their own ego, their own whims, their own petty pleasures, but this important part centres completely upon God, and a desire to do what He wishes them to do in their own individual life. Mary explains that if people would really do this with honesty, simplicity, sincerity, and a desire to know the Truth, they would be so enlightened to see the truth that life would begin to change, people would begin to change, people would begin to see that they were changing, feel that they were changing, know within their hearts that this change was mightily for the good, and Love would begin to appear in the world in some kind of forceful way. However Mary explains very sadly that people today are really not content with a Life that is centred on God, because they think that this is a fantasy; they cannot bring God into their lives in a real way, and so at Christmas-time they are quite unable to bring Him in a real way,  and instead they centre upon a fantasy approach which is trying to grasp at pleasure in a very simplistic way, a very dishonest and insincere way, a way which is bound to be ungratifying to themselves and to other people because it is not based upon Truth.

Please, She begs people this Christmas-time, while there is a vestige of hope left within the world, to move themselves into a very simple understanding of Love, open your hearts to Beauty and to Truth, and a desire to live and love with other people in a true and simple way, a way which is not centred upon  one's self, a way which is not centred upon everything that one can obtain for one's self in a selfish desire, but a way which is truly based upon a desire which is wishing to offer everyone that one meets a simple love, a simple caring, a simple sharing, a simple joy, a simple giving of one's self which makes that other person happy. Mary explains that this is The True Way this is The Way of Loving and Living which this Oasis Marian Message expresses continuously, and this is the Way of Loving and Living that She asks people to take up so sincerely now, because unless they can do so the New Year will move into such a dreadful calamitous development which these people will not be prepared for in any way. She explains that the calamitious development is upon us now. She explains that the Oasis Message is promising for those who will understand it, an enlightened protection which will encompass them in a physical and spiritual way, so that they can be led very peacefully, freely and happily into a New World of Peace.


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