Mary on the Heart and Love - extract from Moments with Mary

To care with you,
to share with you ;
to live and laugh
and love with you ....

To care with you,
to share with you ;
to live and laugh
and love with you ....

When reading these reflections try to remember that Mary is speaking through Maureen to you.

Mary explained to me that people have lost this understanding of Love because they are not using their heart in the correct way.This is why She through Her many messages has tried to convey the importance of the heart.Jesus has tried to convey the importance of the heart and They have linked it very clearly with Love. Mary was explaining to me that this idea of the heart has become once again so trivialized and manipulated and over sentimentalized that people really do look down on the idea of Love and the heart or else She explained they make it into a melodramtic misunderstanding which looks to fantasy so stupidly that there is no realism here, no reality.

Mary explained to me that the heart really is the core of our being, it is connected very closely to our Soul and it allows us not only to function in a physiological way which gives us life and vitality but also lets us be moved in our emotional life in a way which is very real and deep and true.If we open our hearts to Love Mary explained we are moving so deeply into a clear understanding of Life. We will begin to see Life in a different way.We begin to see the things that are important to Life, the things that are importand to our own Life, the Life of each other. And we begin to live Life in a way which is good and meaningful and peaceful, because Mary explained that when people use their heart in a daily way of living they really are entering into a much deeper and more enlightened appreciation of Life which begins to let them understand that Life is really very simple. Life should be very simple and there is no need whatsoever to make Life more complicated by intellectualizing it in an over exaggerated way, or using the mind to over analyze and dissect and dry-up everything that should be very apparent to us through using our intellect very simply to link it with the heart and then it will become much more attuned to a loving way of living which is making use of Life in a sensible way.

Mary  also explained to me that Life today is in a very weary state, peaple are very weary, people are being dragged down by their materialistic understanding of Life. She explained that God had created people to be very beautiful, God wishes people to be very beautiful,God wishes people to live Life very beautifully. She explained that She Herself had lived Life very beautifully, that She had tried to allow Her Life to develop in such a beautiful way that She understood Herself to be moving all the time closer God in a real way. She explained to me that people today are so disorganized in their approach to Life that very few people really have a philosophy of Life. Very few people are trying to understand why they are here living their Life because Mary explained that Fear is very deep in most people. People today are very weighed down with a sense of fear.She explained that this is a very deep psychological problem which most people become more and more obsessed with because She explained that the World today is becoming such a materialistic place that Fear has to enter the scene because materialism is an understanding of Life which makes people think that Life is bound to everything that is material. In other words, money and goods and possessions are the important things of Life, people are less important than money and goods and possessions because people are really and honestly beginning to misunderstand Life so gravely that they are thinking that if they do not posses as much money and as many goods and possessions as they are able to they are not living Life to the full. Mary explained that this is a very real attitude which is dragging people down today so dreadfully that they are losing any simple,true,happy, peaceful, free philosophy of Life. They are becoming enslaved to this dreadful obsessive way of living which is really a misunderstanding of the meaning of Life. Mary explained very clearly that the real meaning of Life is to live Life fully using every free gift that God has given us fully so we develop ourselves perfectly in our way of living to give everything of  ourselves that is good and beautiful to other people so that they can make use of this and return everything that is good in themselves to us so that the reciprocal interchange is perfectly loving and beauiful and free. Mary explained that yes this is an idealistic approach to Life, an idealistic understanding of Life and an idealistic philosophy of Life, but this is the way of Life that God wished us to live and anything less than this is really not good or true. Mary also explained that the World today is in great need of a true vitality because She explained that it is very depleted in energy. Man has become so obsessed with materialism that he is simply wearing out the World, all the resources of the World are becoming depleted in energy and people themselves are feeling jaded and the World is really being dragged down in a very heavy way, when as She explains the World should be full of lightness and brightness and colour, vivacity as God made it to be. She explained that very clearly that it is people that are destroying the World with their selfishness and their greed and their negativity and their whole misunderstanding of what Life should be, and the whole way of thinking that they themselves are the very centre of Life. This is what is destroying people, and Mary explained this with such sadness that I began to realize that this whole misunderstanding of Life is the dreadful tragic development of the World which is upon us.

From Moments With Mary - Maureen

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"Loving and Living and Caring and Sharing" with each other.

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