The Rosary-A Way of Living- The Nativity..-The Final Promise.
Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.
(The Rosary is obviously very important- This is one of the tapes Maureen produced when she offered a short course on the Rosary- in it She shows the connection between
the Rosary and the Final Redemptive Act- the End Times- Also remember it is given to her as a Locution so just let the words flow- obviously this is a transcript of the cassette.)
The Rosary -Loving and Living - The Nativity.
You know the whole idea of this Rosary Course which Jesus and Mary are offering is to show people that the Rosary is an absolutely meaningful and basic part of their day to day living because They explain that this is indeed exactly what the Rosary means. The name is derived from a very simple understanding that the Roses where a basic part of Life which were very beautiful and wholesome and could actually create a very simple understanding of the beauty of Life in as much as they could be used in cyclical way, they could be used to actually be grown and organized in such a way that their perfume could enter into a very realistic understanding in terms of a Life Cycle because they could be used to give people an understanding that Life is very beautiful and colourful and full of perfume which has within it a mixture of joy and happiness and nostalgia and a certain sense of sadness and wistfulness that the blend comes together to be very beautiful and indeed this is what the Rosary is showing us that Life with its full blend of the emotion and all the feeling of happiness and sadness and gladness and beauty and everything that we know to be part of Life. This whole picture can come together and really give us something that is very very splendid and worthwhile- and so the Rosary is trying to show people that if we travel through Life in this way, accepting everything that we experience in a positive way we will finally be shown that Life is very meaningful- everything that we have experienced in Life is very meaningful and the whole picture will come together so perfectly- so beautifully that at this point we will experience a complete and perfect happiness.
Now this Third Joyful Mystery the Nativity Jesus and Mary explain the Mystery which shows us very clearly that Life can be constituted in this way. At the point of the Nativity Jesus and Mary explain that God really does wish to show people that Life could be very beautiful and very simple and very happy in a realistic way- He as God wished to prove to people that He Himself wished to enter into Life in a very physical way and so He actually organized a way in which this could happen. Mary as we know agreed quite simply and with total Love to enter into this Scheme with God although She didn't completel understand what was happening to Her- She really did allow Herself to move with God in the most loving way possible opening Herself to Him completely knowing that because He was a God of Love He would take care of everything in a most beautiful way.
Now Jesus and Mary explain that the Nativity shows us that beautiful way because Mary and Joseph were moved in this moment of the Nativity into a beautiful understanding of the fullness of Joy. As Jesus was born Mary experienced a very complete ecstasy which means that She was actually lifted into a very real understanding of perfect happiness and in that moment She was able to experience Jesus both in a way which let Her see what was happening through Light.Now this is quite a mysterious understanding of Jesus' birth and we at present are not able to fully understand all the implications, but what They would explain to us is this- that Jesus was born in the most beautiful picture of Light that could possibly be imagined because at His birth God allowed the World to enter into a relationship with Himself which let it be flooded with Light and although She didn't properly understand this Her Heart explained to Her that this was so beautiful, so perfect that something of Heaven was taking place at that moment and She saw in Her ecstasy that Jesus in His physical form was actually full of Light and His body was animating this Light- the Light was surrounding Him and saturating Him and glowing so beatifully from Him that the whole place was lit up in a very very beautiful way.
Now They explain, Jesus and Mary explain to us that the whole meaning of this was that God in that moment allowed His Own Love and His Own Light and His Own Beauty to enter the World in a physical form of Jesus and this Love and Light and Beauty was so powerful that they brought into the World in that moment a whole appreciation of the fact that God really did want to unite the World to Him very strongly. And Mary understood in that moment of giving birth that Jesus was someone so splendid- so powerful- so strong- that He would be able to finally achieve a most beautiful Powerful Saving Act which would really dissolve everything that was not Beautiful or Good or True.
Jesus and Mary explain that because of this the Nativity is a vitally important Mystery- it shows us that God wished to give to the World a Promise which would allow it to keep very very hopeful because Jesus personified everything that is full of Hope and Love and Light and Strength and Power and Jesus and Mary explain to us that at present in the World we are forgetting that Jesus was able to come into the World to show that there is Hope and Jesus and Mary explain that if sufficient people Hope then God will bring into the World this final Saving Act which Jesus Promised. Jesus Himself as He rose, as He Ascended into Heaven promised that He would come back to finally save the World and Jesus and Mary explain that at this stage in the World situation ,as we say the Third Joyful Mystery we should be filled with a Peace and a Joy and a Hope knowing that if the World is to be re-organized now and as it were 'sorted out" again into the beautiful place of Love and Light and Peace that it should be, then we must be moving very very closely now to the point of Jesus' Return. And Jesus' Birth with its beautiful symbolic Lightness and Brightness and Colour and Simplicity show us that He is the God Who is so full of Love that He came into the World to prove that He wished to be with us and although He left us at the point of His Ascension He promised that He would return to show people who Love Him that they could be very very happy - so please They say - say this Mystery- reflect on this Mystery- bring it into each day of your Life now- knowing that at this point in the World situation there is a great need to believe that as Jesus came into the World for the first time He will come again into the World and show the World that He can Save it finally from a dreadful disorientated misunderstanding of itself which really is completely apart from everything that is Good and Beautiful. Jesus and Mary promise that God will not allow this to develop so dreadfully that people are unable to show themselves that they can finally achieve something better. They say that God will very shortly prove to people that He is with them and if they are with Him they will be increasingly shown what to do - how to do it - and how they as individuals can begin to prove to themselves and each other that God had made them out of Love, to Love and Live together and if they do this- if they try with all of their heart to do this, He will show them how to- they will be moved very positively and concretely into a Final Way of Loving and Living in Peace which will be perfectly beautiful.
Other Mysteries of the Rosary showing their connectiom with the Final Promise follow on in this section.