My Final Triumph-Our Lady to Maureen- A Preface
This is an 'Auric' picture of Maureen sketched by a Mystic in Norfolk U.K. More details follow the text of the Message.
My Final Triumph- Our Lady to Maureen - A Preface.
( Again this is in the form of a Locution so let the words just flow.)
As the Woman of the Revelations Mary has given me much information within this private Vision- obviously this will unfold very strategically- obviously the strategy has to be, because Mary has to prove that as the Woman of Geneses- as the Woman of the Revelations She will finally defeat every dreadful scheme which Satan has allowed to confuse the World. She will do this in a perfect way, She will do this in a Powerful way - She will reveal the fact that, as the Mother of God She is perfectly with God in this Final Plan. She will show that She has the ability to bring all Her children into a very real understanding of the Power of Love. She explains to me that in order to do this She will have to let people understand that the Power of Love is all prevailing. People will increasingly be enlightened that the World is sliding very quickly into chaos - Mary promises this very emphatically,- people who can open themselves to Love will be shown that they can be lifted into a Sphere of Love and Light where they will be totally protected. In order for this to happen they really will have to let go of so much of the fear and suspicion and the misconception that are prevailing in the World in such a dreadful way at present. Mary explains that many people who think they believe in God and Her and Jesus are in such a misconception about the Reality of God that when this Supernatural Help comes they won't be able to believe it at first- they won't be able to believe it because it won't be what they expect, it won't come in the way they expect. Mary asks people now to believe with all of their heart that She is the Human Being chosen by God to finally show the World that She is so perfectly bound to God in Love that She will be able to join Him in a Final Plan which is already perfectly organized, perfectly synchronized perfectly able to develop a strategic way which Mary is explaining to me very clearly through this Oasis Vision and She explains further more that the Oasis Vision will link up with this Final Plan in a very specific way in a very visible way which has to unfold as part of the strategy. At present this Vision is very private, the Message that I can offer as part of the Vision is very public and people are perfectly able to follow it now so that Mary says they can be listening now to what She is saying through this Message - they can be led through this Message into a whole understanding of a preparation for a development of Life which will be so dreadful on the one hand and so beautiful on the other hand that people who can follow this Positive Way of Life will be offered a Final Revelation of Love which God will offer the World through His Mother Who will show that Her Final Triumph will be the Victory of Good over Evil. So She asks you, please to listen to this Oasis Message now - believe in it now- believe in its Wisdom - its simplicity- its whole way of coming into the World in such a simple way that people are not understanding its enormous value.
The Auric Picture - an explanation.
When the Message and Maureen's experiences became public whilst still living in Perechurch a village near Hereford in the U.K. we became friendly with a Anglican Cannon David Byford and his wife Elizabeth. Their actual Parish at the time was in the Midlands but they used to come to the borders of Wales for their Retreats and this is when and how we became friends.
David had a fellow Anglican Cannon Revd. Llewelyn who took care of the Norwich Shrine devoted to Julian of Norwich in Norwich City. Robert Llewelyn knew of a particular spiritual gifted man in East Anglia who could produce an Auric Picture of a person from a given photograph- the name of the person etc. was not required just an unknown photograph. Maureen agreed to provide David with a photograph of her in a 'yellow anorak'. The result was this 'Auric' picture together with a detailed written explanations of the 'colours' in relation to Maureen's Character and mission. He had no knowledge of Maureen or her spiritual experience he knew her as only as 'A Woman in Yellow'.
Revd.Llewelyn also recognised many similarities between Maureen's Messages and that of Juilians.The full text of the 'Auric Picture' is available in Maureen's Archive.
Joseph for Maureen