The Eucharist and The Rosary -A Union of Love - (1)
Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our trust in you. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.
(This is a transcript from a cassette in the form of a locution so just let the words flow.This is side 1.)
Through the Oasis Message Jesus and Mary are explaining to me many details about the future of the World. many details about the way in which the World is at present developing and many details about which the World will increasingly develop. Much of the Oasis Message may not be revealed at present but much of it is able to be offered to people so that they can begin to understand that this Message is a really beautiful, hopeful, promising comforting way of leading people very simply into an encounter with God which Jesus and Mary promise will be a final Glorious encounter for those people who can simply understand with the heart.They explain to me that the heart is really the whole way of understanding Life and the heart is really way of knowing that we are made in God's Love- by God's Love- to Love. We are Beings of Love and Light and Jesus and Mary explain this consistently to me and They explain that people have removed themselves so far away from this understanding that they are not able to see themselves in this way and they are not able to give each other that Love and Light which would be so uplifting and supportive and would enable people to live in Harmony and Peace and freedom if they lived this way.
Now the Oasis Message is explaining that people will increasingly need to understand that if they are to survive the dreadful happenings that will increasingly develop in the World they will need to understand for themselves in a very individual way that they are able to believe in a God of Love and Light and Peace and a God Who would wish people to be able to live Life in this free and Loving and Happy way.And the Oasis Message is increasingly trying to show people this way. Jesus and Mary explain that it is a very simple way- a very beautiful way- but also a very precise way and a very ordered way because God has created people so that people do Love and Live together in a free and happy way- a simple but a very ordered way because They explain that without order there really is no way in which people can see where they are going.The order which They would offer people through this Message is based completely upon Their own way of Life which They explain to be an idealistic understanding of Life- the idealistic understanding of Life which Jesus offered through His Own Life and Mary offered through Her Life and the Family of Nazareth portrayed in a beautiful, simple picture of Life which They increasingly wish us to understand in what They describe as Their Final Discloser of God's Plan for the World.
Now They have always explained to me through this Message that the Eucharist and the Rosary are very much bound together and are very much a central part of this Message. They explain very simply that the Eucharist is Jesus' whole understanding of Himself as God and Man and His Love for everyone which could unite everyone back into Him in a beautiful Communion of Love - a beautiful bond of Love and Light and Peace. And when Jesus left the Eucharist this was quite simply so that people would understand that He as God and He as Man had given Himself to this whole ideal of Love and He wished people to enter into this ideal of Love and begin to join Him in an enactment of it - He wished people to begin to live their Life within this bond of Love- Loving and Living with Him and each other in a very beautiful free and ordered and hopeful way. A Way that would show them that with Love anything and everything could be achieved and if people were to simply realize that this Eucharist Bond could draw them together in a loving relationship which could surmount all Evil and unhappiness, then this would be the Way in which the World could finally develop so beautifully and so perfectly back into a real Communion of Loving and Living with God - and people would begin to understand that this relationship with God through the Eucharist was really His whole understanding of everything that He was giving to people so that people could realize that He had created them and He was allowing them to Be- and He wished them to Be fully alive and happy and strong and Loving and Peaceful and free and very very Beautiful within this whole picture.
Now Jesus and Mary explain to me that the Rosary too conveys this whole understanding of Life and there is a way in which people can simply begin to realize that God is very much with them in Life because if they very simply trace some of the Mysteries of the Rosary they will begin to understand that God is trying to show them that He is very close to them in their own Life Cycle and their own Life Cycle is simply able to lead them in a developing way into a beautiful understanding of why they are alive. Jesus and Mary explain to me the Joyful Mysteries are simply trying to explain that Life should be happy and very much centered on God and Loving and Living Life fully and happily- and if people do try to understand that this is what the Joyful Mysteries are about then they themselves will begin to realize that they can anter into daily Life in this very joyful happy peaceful contented way, centering their day on God but then moving out to other people in a very simple loving relationship which offers other people hope and comfort and a happiness which the Holy Family of Nazareth consistently tried to give to people. They explained to me that They lived Their Life in a most simple happy way and continuously offered this happiness to people and when Jesus entered His Public Life He did so with the joy of Life which tried to explain to people that this is how Life should simply be and They explained to me that the simple people understood this very easily and- every miracle- every parable- every discussion which Jesus held with these simple people showing them that they could be very very whole and contented and free in a simple happy way.
They explain that the Sorrowful Mysteries really do try to convey to people that Life if it full has to encompass a certain Suffering because this really is what Man has brought upon himself by his own design and that Life can be simply happy and should be simply happy if it is centered on God.And Jesus Himself although His Life was perfect and perfectly bound to God wanted to show people that He would take upon himself this Suffering- and try to offer people a way in which they could use their own Life to begin to understand that He as God was taking this Suffering on Himself but if they offered it to Him he would absorb it as He did on Calvary and He would finally transform this Suffering into a beautiful hopeful, what They explain as 'passed Suffering' , into a Glorious understanding of Life and happiness and Peace in an ecstatic understanding which They explain the Glorious Mysteries to be completely about because They are explaining that within the Glorious Mysteries we see that Life has begun to surmount a physical orientation , a physical understanding as its been and brought completely into a transitional stage which is showing us that life is perfectly beautiful, bright, and Light and Happy and colourful and alive and within the Glorious Mysteries this is the final Stage of Life which Jesus and Mary explain the World is entering now. Because Jesus on the Cross showed people that He could transcend Death- He died on the Cross but He Rose again to show people that this Glorious achievement was what He would finally offer when He came again to prove Himself to be the Saviour of the World.
So Jesus and Mary explain that the Rosary is simply explaining this development and offering us a beautiful hopeful way of waiting for His return- waiting for this Final Accomplishment and the Eucharist is the absolute Promise of this Glorious achievement. Becaue Jesus explains that the Eucharist as the 'Bread and Wine' is symbolic of the fact that He as God and He as Man is able to nourish everyone with the whole of Himself and if we simply believe this we will be shown finally that God will allow us to survive many physical attacks on Life which will so deplete energy in the World that people will simply, at this point, have to believe in the fact that God is the Being Who provides energy- Who is the source of Life- Who is the God Who can give Life so plentifully as He showed through His miracles in the Desert for the Jews of the Old Testament and He showed with His miracle of the feeding of the five thousand and He wishes finally to show- now- within the World that He is the God Who provides in plenty for those who will unite with Him in a Union of Love and Light and Peace. And Jesus and Mary promise through this Oasis Message that these people will simply be protected in the most beautiful loving way which will lead them very very beautifully and peacefully and freely into a New World of Love and Light and Peace and Happiness on Earth so that this New World will simply be a World where Heaven is finally understood and where Eternity is simply an extension of Itself.