Mary - We are living in the "End Times" which precede the Second Coming of Her Son.
Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our trust in You, keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way
Although this Newsletter (more of a dissertation) was written by Maureen in 1991 it is probably more relevant today - especially as God is always in the "Now". It is quite long and detailed and will have to be put into sections and as such it is always best to read in order of the sections.
During this dissertation Maureen refers to various Publications- I have given them numbers as they appear in the writing. The list is as follows:-
(1) Father Gobbi (The Marian Movement of Priest). (2) Father Gobbi.
(3) Daily Telegraph August 18th. 1991.
(4) Jerusalem Bible- Matt. Ch.24. V 38.
(5) (6) (7) Father Gobbi (8) The Apparitions of Garabandal.
(9) Jerusalem Bible. St John. Ch.15. V 5. (10) Father Gobbi.
(11) Jerusalem Bible- St Paul. Hebrews Ch.10. V 18.
(12)Jerusalem Bible- St.Paul. Corinthians Ch.15. V 28.
(13) Father Gobbi
From Maureen
The Place of The Family - The Place of the Heart.
Firstly, as I have stated in earlier newsletters, this is not my Message- it is a Message from Jesus and Mary which has been developing for the past five years and continues daily.The ealier message was fairly private, but since January 1990 it has become a public matter, in fact a Message for the World. Although it is fundamentally a most positive, loving and gentle message, it is also an urgent one. Indeed, as I have stated previously, the accelaration of Mary's messages through apparitions, visions, locutions etc, since Fatima in 1917, has been dramatic so that over the last twenty years or so She has presented Her Message in every continent in such countries as America, Australia, Africa, Japan, Switzerland, Nicaragua, Spain, Italy, Egypt and Medjugorje Yugoslavia where She is currently appearing daily. Essentially Her Message is the same. We are living in the "End Times" which precede the Seccond Coming of Her Son, at which point He will establish in the World "A New Era of Peace and Love". As She says to Father Gobbi in Italy in 1990 (**1) :-"...I as a Mother am called to the task of generating the new humanity today, ready for its encounter with its Lord, who is coming back to you in glory".
However, She states clearly that because Man has become increasingly estranged from God, and because a materialistic, atheistic society has increasingly developed, a time of great tribulation and purification is to be anticipated before the New Era of Peace and Love is realized. Since Fatima Mary's message has also been a cumulative preparation for these times but despite the warnings Her focus is always on "The Peace Plan".
An Urgent Situation
Mary, as God's Mother, is playing an integral part in the Plan and as Mother of the World She desperately wishes to draw all her children back to God. She is constantly stressing Her universal role. " I am the Lady of all Nations" She said in 1985 in Kibeho Africa and as She tells me, " I am the Mother of God and therefore the Mother of His whole existence- this is My role", At Akita in Japan in 1973 She proclaimed a new dogma - that of Herself as Co Mediatrix, Co Redemptrix and Advocate.
She tells us at Akita and Garabandal that many times She has pleaded for us to Her Son, but that time is now running out. At present the situation is urgent and this is why She is constantly urging much prayer, penance, fasting. She explains to me that prayer gathers "a storehouse of energy which can be put to positive use in the World".We desperately need this positive energy now, in the current World situation, so that Mary's Peace Plan- which is integrally bound with God's Final Plan- can be realized fully. In Her recent messages at Medjugorje, She pointed out the gravity of the situation, Satan's Strength, the need for prayer and penance as never before, so that the Plan She began at Fatima "may be fully realized".
A Positive Focus.
Now Jesus and Mary's message to me, despite the urgency, is a message which is completely positive, and which begins to explain how They will finally achieve Their Plan for Peace. As They tell me, the final part of this Peace Plan will in fact centre on Malta. This is the country from where the final part of the Plan will , be initiated and of course at this point all the other parts of the Plan, strategically developed by Her through the years, will fall into place, coming together as a whole, working together smoothly, competently and powerfully so that, as She has insisted since Fatima, Her Immaculate Heart will finally triumph with "a perfect plan of action" leading everyone to Her Son.. to God. She now asks us at this urgent point for deep trust, faith, openness, humility and commitment, then it will not be too difficult.
The Holy Family - The Model
When I asked Mary why She had chosen Malta for this final initiation of Peace in the World She replied :- " It is a place of the family, a place of the heart"; and these themes of the family and the heart are in fact fundamental to this final plan. Their "plan of action" will focus on and centre round "The Holy Family". Indeed the fact that the Holy Family would play a part in the Peace Plan was indicated at Fatima when Mary told the children that St. Joseph would come in October with the Holy Family " to bring Peace to the World" - and indeed in that month the children saw Them as part of a Rosary tableau in the form of Light, reminiscent of the tableau shown in Knock Ireland in 1879.
Now early in my message They have pointed out in Malta a specific location from where They wish Their Plan to be initiated. Only then will They develop fully "a precise plan of action,based on thematic instruction" to draw the World back to Peace. They have requested that this location be named "The Oasis of The Holy Family of Nazareth" and They have explained that alongside the development of the thematic instruction will be a fully supportive development of " Supernatural Activity". They say that Light will permeate "the centre" in an unusual way. This will begin in "a gentle way" and will develop progressively culminating in "An exorbitant display".
The Place of Refuge.
This location will be cumulatively recognisable as, "a place of meeting, a place of knowledge, a place of communion, a place of rehabilitation, a place of Peace for the World".
Most important in these difficult times that lie ahead, Mary wishes everyone to recognise this Centre as the place where we can be drawn into the Heart of Their Family Love Life - the Heart of Jesus, Mary and Joseph so closely fused in Love that They gathered in Nazareth " a whole positive core of Love energy" a scheme of Loving and Living which They will allow us to make use of, as They will show how in a very precise way, in the hard times ahead. It is quite clearly to be a protective scheme. They tell me that we will also be shown how to use our own heart properly, to develop our own love energy in a completely positive, uplifting and energizing way. Mary is aware that we have forgotten how to use our hearts the primary function of which She tells me is "to Love each other fully". She tells me emphatically that :-" You must always live with your heart, love with your heart, look with your heart to find the Truth". She explains too that :- " The only function of the mind is to lead us to the heart which is Love". If we make a god of our intellect we will never achieve the simplicity or enlightenment necessary to see the Truth clearly.
So in this final plan for Peace and Love it will be "The Holy Family" representing "the Heart of the Godhead" which will show us this Truth by drawing us increasingly into Their Heart to instruct us in Their " plan of Loving and Living " the plan devised and acted out so perfectly in Nazareth - to be utilised now by the World".
Mary promises that if we lean on Her, with trust, in a childlike manner, She will draw us increasingly into Her Motherly Heart, enlightening us to understand clearly and precisely what we have to do in the times ahead. This Family Heart - Mary's Heart - is to be recognized as the place where we will be secure, find Peace, where we will maintan a constant equilibrium, and from where we will be taught how to draw on a positive core of Love energy, God's energy, so that it can radiate out into the World " as a new force of energy" the power of the Holy Spirit activated anew in the World.
World Events.
Over the last two years Jesus and Mary have explained to me that, as Their final plan for Peace develops, running parallel to this will be a steady acceleration of Evil, power and hatred in the World. It is not difficult at the moment to be aware of such an acceleration with the dramatic increase of violence, civil war, terrorist activity, fascist uprising, increase unstable international situations and obvious inability to find a common, positive approach and policy. As Mary said to Father Gobbi in Dec. 24th.1990 (*2) :- " Once again the chill of Sin is covering the lives of men and peoples; the darkness of errors is penetrating the whole World and the rejection of God and of His Law of Love has been raised up to a norm of human life. Hatred, impurity, egoism and division are spreading and the threat of a new terrible war is becoming more concrete and imminent today. We have entered into the times which were foretold to you. We have entered the Last Times ".
A very specific part of Jesus and Mary's message to me has contained information about future World events in connection with a scheme of Solar/Nuclear energy. In March of this year They explained that there would be experimentation with a combination of nuclear and solar energizing which would be put forward "under the guise of goodness" and would develop progressively into a complete misunderstanding of the properties of fusion and fission, so that the development would begin to initiate " a series of catastrophic events in the World" with a cumulative and drastic loss of energy culminating in a period of darkness.
In fact it is not by accident that Mary appeared in the Ukraine on the anniversary of Chernobyl, - explaining that it had been a warning and sign for the World. In September/October Newsletter I have explained how in August, it was revealed through a national newspaper *(3) that such nuclear/solar experimentation was underway in Britain and of course recent news has disclosed the fact that an actual nuclear fusion has now taken place, that the scheme is being proposed as a new source of commercially, economic energizing, and that the race is on to develop it further as quickly as possible. According to Mary this is the beginnings of the whole disastrous development.
Also in March Mary gave me further details about future events which She wishes me to disclose in this newsletter. It appears that further 'progress" in this sphere will come from the Americans whose new scheme "a new episode of living in terms of wholly concentrated energy'. Mary indicates that this will begin to form a centralized system based in Europe; where the energizing scheme will be developed as part of a new "utilitarian" scheme into which many countries will be drawn. Mary points out that its properties as a defence scheme will become apparent and it will shortly be used as a deterrent- and so the emergence of a series of experiments and catastrophes in the World. Such future developments in the World then are imminent and to be expected. However we must not become agitated,thery must be observed with prayerful watchfulness.
Continued on a New Page - End Times (2)