Jesus explains the Eucharist to Maureen.

I love you Jesus my Love above all things -keep me safe and protected always- and thank you for all the joy in my Life.

I love you Jesus my Love above all things -keep me safe and protected always- and thank you for all the joy in my Life.

This is an extract from Maureen's early Messages  in which Jesus talks about the Eucharist and His bond with Humanity.It is a direct Locution.

Extract - Maureen speaking:-

Over the last months Jesus and Mary have been pointing out to me the strong bond between The Eucharist and The Rosary.

Where The Eucharist is concerned Jesus has explained that :- " The whole essence of My Life on Earth lies in Its Mystery."

Jesus- July 1988.

"When one considers The Eucharist one is considering the whole extension of My Life on Earth into The Sphere of the Godhead, and My offering of The Eucharist is an extension of My philosophy on Earth and a complete reappraisal of the nature of The Godhead. With the Eucharist people can come to know God in His Humanity, a God Who can share with them all their trials and sufferings. Surely this must be so meaningful to them in that they no longer need to exist in their own Humanity in a solitary capacity. Jesus Himself - God made Man- enters into their Humanity, shares with them their suffering, offers His Own suffering for them, and shows them how to surmount this suffering by Love. This concept of The Eucharist is apparent in every Sphere of Life; it is where I had My beginning and My end, and My transformation into the Glory of the Godhead. Its importance to everyone is its ability to sustain them constantly with a strength that encompasses Grace and The Holy Spirit. It is a strength which if received faithfully gives an increasing dimension to Life, and a promise of Eternity. With My Presence inside him Man can never die. I have conquered Death and will lift him upwards beyond Death to the Glory of My Father. Please never feel that you can exist fully without the sustenance of The Eucharist. Its fullness is its Mystery, but a Mystery which can only be surpassed by the Mystery of Heaven itself.

  Certainly The Holy Spirit existing in one is another dimension of the Mystery of The Godhead, and one which is fundamental to Man's spiritual development; but the Offering of The Eucharist by Myself is the means by which I can confirm to the World the bond of My Love with it. It is Man's relationship with God epitomised in the Humanity of The Godhead.

 Please accept it with reverence Maureen, it can only enlighten you in ways you would never believe possible, because through It you will become increasingly aware of your strong link with the rest of Humanity, and the knowledge that, that Humanity is essentially related in Love to the Godhead. I confirm this totally and I wish you to know how deeply I want you to Love The Eucharist.

The Rosary too is a reliving of Jesus' Life- this time through prayer and meditation. As such it is a powerful means of keeping the whole meaning of The Eucharist alive in us, so that when we recieve It we are able to understand better the great Gift and Promise that we have been given. God in Man, Man in God, through Love- A Reciprocal Act of Love which needs to spill over in an active and positive way to reach the very heart of our day to day living.

I want to add that ,My Presence in The Eucharist is really My whole belief in My bond with every person who has been created, because, as God and as Man, I wish to bind Myself to the World to prove that I Love it. And I wish finally to prove to the World that I am with it, in a Way which is so beautiful, that people who believe in Love, Goodness, Truth and Peace, will know that I too believe in these Principles, and I too will show that My whole Life as God and as Man will finally prove the Power of these Principles. So please be with Me,-believing that I will finally show everyone that I can Save My World and lead it back to a whole Life of Love with Me, in a bond which is perfect.

Jesus to Maureen to everyone.

A Gentle Reflection. ---Jesus and Mary gave Maureen some preparatory thoughts. They say:-

(1) We must begin to control the ego- to really believe that everything in Life does not centre around ourselves, to stop looking inwardly and selfishly, thinking that pleasing ourself is the most important thing.

(2) We must have the humility to begin to look at other people and see everything that is positive in them, realizing that their individuality forms an important part of the whole. They insist that when we see only the negative side of someone or own negative qualities are foremost- disintegration and separation are the operative words, energy can't gather.

(3)We need to begin to see that we, as individuals, are involved in a whole movement, pattern of Life, and we each have a part to play, a responsibilty individually, that is why we are here, we can't sit back and be carried.

(4) We must begin to see God, His Love. Light and Energy as the basic Life-force, we must use His energy with our Soul energy- develop it, keep the flow going, pass it on, draw it from others and use it positively to let it gather momentum.

(5)They want us to be happy and joyful and to share our joy with others and keep a sense of humour- this is all energizing,. They don't want us to be dreary. They always talk about Lightness, fullness, happiness.

(6) God has given us each a uniqueness- special gifts and talents which no one else has. We have an individual responsibility to use them fulfill ourselves and others. We must be creative, not live monotonously, and enjoy Life to the full.

More of these short reflections and meditations can be found in the 'Gentle Reflections' section of the Website.

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