Exquisite Moment- A Mystical description of Complete Happiness

(A Mystical description of complete Happiness- given to Maureen through Locution from Holy Spirit-let the words flow). Please remember when reading these transcripts that they are very Mystical and Spiritual and Jesus and Mary are trying to explain something which is quite often in the future and Supernatural to us in our limited vocabulary and understanding- They are limited by our own limitations- They are not limited by 'Time' and are always in the 'Now'- and although They are conveying a Message to Maureen the Message is for everyone. They are using Maureen for it to enter the World for everyone. These are individual Messages- everybody has  a different Life experience so the Message will have different individual meanings for each person- so pray for the enlightenment that you yourself need at the moment- the prayer is so important.

Exquisite Moment.

God wants people to be happy, God has ceated people to be happy because happiness is really the fulfillment of everyone and everything in a beautiful understanding of perfection. God wishes everyone to enter into this perfection so fully that they are steeped in its blissful understanding of itself as perfection.And they are saturated with this feeling of bliss, this feeling of wholeness, this feeling of an absolute identification with God in His way in giving them everything of Himself that is beautiful. God wishes people to share in His beauty, with every single facet of His Love and His Light and this dazzling understanding of Himself as God. Because God is splendidly dazzling in a multifaceted way, a way that encompasses every single feature of Life. God has Created Life to be so full of Light, so full of brightness and colour and beauty and a splendid understanding of Himself that this shows Himself to Himself in a way that is so pure, so bright, so Light that this Light is the essential understanding of God in the World giving the World His Love, giving the World His Light, giving the World His Power and His Strengh and His Vitality in a way that is so constant that He uplifts the World, uplifts Creation into this beautiful understanding of His perfection. God wishes people to enter into this perfection in a very simple way. He asks them to simply rest in Him, He will move them, He will lift them, He will let them enter this perfection so fully that they will understand themselves to be moving in perfection. God asks people to understand that He has created them to move in this way. He has created them to move in this beautiful flow of Life that is perfect, is perfectly beautiful, is so self sustaining, self perpetuated but its flow is constant and it is enormously bound to Power because it really is moving with this Power.This Power is sustaining it, this Power is self sustaining, this Power is really everything of God. God's Being surging through the Universe in a mighty understanding of Itself as Power, as Love. as Light. People really do need to understand that if they move with God in this beautiful melody of Life, in this beautiful symphony of Life, in this beautiful symphony of Life, they will be moving into a really clarified understanding of themselves. Because as they move with this flow in a rhythmic way in a simple trusting, loving harmonious way they will be giving themselves everything that they need to exist in a true understanding of themselves. A true understanding of themselves that lets them see themselves in a real way, in a way which is so much bound to God and they know that God is bound to them and they know that this integration is so perfect that the blend is a harmony, a symphony, a melody, a beautiful tuneful composition which is so bright and Light and colourful and dazzling splendid that it reflects themselves back to themselves in a very clear way. And they understand themselves  to be moving in this beautiful way- they understand themselves to be full of Lightness and Brightness and Colour in splendour that this really is their way of knowing that God is with them in Life. God is giving them life, God is the source of Life they are absorbing this Life into them and they are letting it melt into them so completely that it is multiplying within them in a beautiful bright, light colourful way to give them everything of themselves which is splendid, everything of themselves which is beautiful and real and bound to God in Love. Love is really the meaning of this flow of life. Love is the meaning of God and Love is so beautiful, so rich, so deep, so all encompassing its reality that if people can enter into Love they really are finding themselves, they really are knowing themselves they really are understanding themselves in a True way- because Reality lets people see that they are real. Reality shows people very clearly that they are real and the reality of Love is so real that people know themselves to be very true and solid and physically bound to Reality and Spirituality, bound to Reality and the amalgamation of the physical and the Spiritual becomes so complete that people are moving into this flow of Life, this flow of Love, this flow of energy in a very complete way. And they realize that God is with them here, God is giving them life, God is giving everyone and everything Life and this constant flow of life from God is providing everyone and everything with a sustenance which is so beautiful that it really is the absolute understanding of Life and God wishes people to enter into this flow of life with Him so perfectly, so beautifully, so prismatically in an understanding of Light and colour and a dazzling pure reflection of these that they are seeing themselves in each other giving each other this beautiful Love energy and uplifting each other with it and realizing within this beautiful moment that they really are supplying themselves with everything that is lovely and loving and Light and Bright and Colourful- everything that moves way beyond suffering and pain and disharmony and distortion into a perfectly clear perception of Beauty, Truth, Goodness, and a feeling of exquisite fulfillment which is absolute in its understanding of perception - so that people are lifted out of themselves to actually look at themselves with this perception and see and feel and know that they are in bliss. They are so peaceful, so happy, so safe, so secure, so absolutely convinced of this security and well being and beauty that everything of them is saturated with this knowledge and they give this knowledge to each other. And God supplies them constantly with this totally clear understanding of everything that is perfect- so that they move within this moment in an exquisite appreciation of Love and Light and Peace and Happiness and a really totally pure appreciation of themselves.


A Gentle Reflection.- Keep Life Simple- Mary 1991.

Mary has always stressed the importance of simplicity, and its integral link with spirituality. She also sees it as the natural way to happiness. It is often when we allow our Life to be burdened with complexities that we in fact create problems for ourselves.

Mary-" Simplicity in Life is the basic way in which I know we are truly happy, because if we keep Life simple we are really closest to our natural way of Life in terms of happiness. You see, if you think of Life as a way of existence which allows you to pursue your whole motivation to happiness, then you must understand that this can only be if you allow yourself to see clearly the meaning of happiness.If you are simply at one with your Life in a basic way of living fully but simply, you are fully aware of your whole reliance on God to bring you to a full state of happiness. You keep close to Him like a child, and you never forget to trust His Love and His whole way of giving you the simplest things in Life, to bring you to a Loving way of seeing Him in your simplest understanding, as the whole way of happiness in Life, without which all material extravagances are totally negative and destructive to your happiness." Love Mary.

More of these  short Reflections and Meditations can be found in the 'Gentle Reflections' section of the Website.

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