The Rosary-A Way of Living- The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

Mary is again showingg the connection between the Rosary and the Final Saving Gift from God. It is a locution so just let the words flow.

The Rosary- A Way of living.

The Presentation of Our Lord in The Temple.


Now this Oasis Message is all about a Way of living which Jesus and Mary explain to be very beautiful. They are offering it to people now in a very simple precise and ordered way,because They explain that in the days ahead there will be much need for simple order for people to survive. They say that if we look around us at present we can see very clearly that the World is moving into a very disordered state- it is rapidly losing any understanding of Peace and Jesus and Mary explain that because of this the leaders of the World are involving themselves at present in an insidious development which will suddenly erupt and it will throw people into a massive disorientation and confusion.

The Oasis Message is certaily preparing people for this, but beyond this the Oasis Message is a Message which is offering people a very hopeful belief in the fact God at this point in history would wish those people who believe in Him to be safe and protected - rather like the Old Testament episode of the Jews leaving Egypt to be protected on their journey through the desert to the Promised Land. Jesus and Mary explain that this Final Journey will be a very protected journey for those people who very simply are able to believe that God is coming into the World Supernaturally to help people in a very concrete way and the Oasis Message is asking people increasingly to prepare themselves in an ordered way, in a way which this Oasis Message is describing very simply, very pratically and positively. The Rosary They explain to be a very key note in this development because as Mary has always explained the Rosary is a vital part of people's Life in that it can show them very very simply the way in which God wishes them to live their Life.

Now in this Fourth Joyful Mystery Jesus and Mary explain that this whole way of Living Life is explained very simply therefore it is a very important Mystery. they explain that when we think of the Presentation in the Temple we should understand that the Holy Family  were symbolizing here a very simple belief in the fact that God wished Them to live Their Life in a very positive way. They were bound to the Jewish tradition where much Ritual and Custom of a very superfluous kind dominated and They Themselves as the Model amily and Jesus as the Son of God had such a broad and deep Vision of Life that They were able to rise above these external rituals and yet very simply so that They would be showing that They were not wishing to disorganize Society by Their own ideas- They were simply wishing to try to begin to integrate Their ideas into Society in a way that would very gently show people the way in which mch of the Ritual and over indulgent ceremony was quite false and unnecessary, so the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple shows us that They moved along with the social custom here to Present the first born Son to God in a very ritualistic way and Mary Herself observed the Purification although as we know She had not one iota need to enter into this, but They wished to show that They were moving very simply with the social flow here and They could have the humility to enter into it so long as it didn't interfere with the basic Truth which They observed in Their Own Family Life.

And at the moment of the Presentation in the Temple when Jesus  was presented to the devout priest and prophet Simeon, the meeting was once again a very profound meeting because in his beautiful speech Simeon realized that Jesus had come to free not only the Jews but the whole Human Race from any kind of oppression or ritualistic show or Customs which were negative and keeping people from developing in an individual way . He realized that this was the Saviour Who had come to bring a Great Light into the World - a Light which would show people very clearly how the World could finally be developed in a very sensible and True Way and He also was a person who was able to see very clearly that Mary as Jesus' Mother as the Mother of God would experience in Her Life such deep and pervasive Sorrow that Her Heart would physically undergo a torment and he realized this because he appreciated that She was a person who would actually take upon Herself the Motherhood of the World and because She was able to Love in this all embracing way Her Sorrow at the development of the World in the future would  continue  because as the Mother of the World She would not be completely happy until She saw that it could return itself to a beauty and dignity which God had created it for and Simeon in these moments of the Presentation saw this very clearly and expressed his feelings to Mary.

The Presentation therefore shows us quite simply that the Holy Family really wanted to enter into Life very simply, very fully and in a most positive way because They were the people who were able to show God that They were quite prepared to give Their whole Life to the development of Life which would finally Save the World and bring the World  back to a really clear understanding of is meaning because when Mary and Joseph took Jesus to present Him to God They were really saying to God- look here is Your Son, here is Our Son- here is the Baby Who we know to be so special that He will perform a most beautiful Saving Act- We don't understand everything involved in this but We wish to give You Our Life and Our Love and Our permission very freely to do with us and to do with Him what You will- and this was the gesture of Love which allowed God to know quite clearly that the Holy Family was a family prepared to enter into Life so fully that it would not be content until Life finally proved itself to be worthy of the name because They would simply offer Their Life for the Life of the World.

The Presentation in the Temple then is a Mystery which we should reflect upon very simply but with great sincerity and seriousness because it is explaining to us really that if we use the Holy Family as a model we ourselves in our day to day living will see that God is asking us to go through Life in a very simple way in a very beautiful humble way and in a way which is constantly asking us to give Him our Life so that He can use it in the way that He wishes and this requires tremendous self effacement, tremendous self surrender that Jesus and Mary promise that if we can do this with sincerity and a simplicity we will understand increasingly that God wishes to use our Life in the way that we really wish to use our Life and as the whole union comes together God's Will, with Our Will we increasingly find a Peace which is very beautiful and very meaninful to us, so increasingly we feel that Life is worth living and our own Life is makng sense.


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