The Eucharist and The Rosary -A Union of Love - (2)

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our trust in you, keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our trust in you, keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

(This is the transcript of side 2 of the cassette Union of Love- it is again a locution so just let the words flow.)


People are not really Loving and Living as they should, they are not really being happy, they are not enjoying Life, they are not understanding why God a given them Life. And Jesus and Mary are explaining through this Message that really because of this we are seeing that the World is becoming a most unhappy place - a place where dreadful things are happening and people are not able to understand each other or communicate with each other or help each other in any simple or Loving way- things have become so complicated and so weighed down with all the negative feelings and negative happenings that the World is losing its sense of balance and really Jesus and Mary are explaining it isn't any longer making much sense. And through the Oasis Message They are trying to explain to people increasingly that if people as individuals would simply realize that God does wish them to be happy- God has created them so that they are happy and so that they live their Life so happily that other people are drawn to them in Life and are shown this happiness so that they too can begin to be happy and peaceful and the whole atmosphere develops into a beautiful way of understanding this happiness very vibrantly and colourful and energetically and this is really what Life should increasingly be.

Jesus and Mary explain that this is certainly the way the World should be developing but They also explain that if we look around us today we are not seeing a great deal of this development. Now They would explain that because They are developing this Oasis Message in a very practical way people can really begin to understand that there is a Way of Life which can help them to bring their own Life back into a sensible way of Living- a sensible way of understanding why they are alive. And Jesus and Mary explain that increasingly as they do this they will understand that the reason for their being alive is so that they can live their Life to the full, they can live their Life fully and happily with God and each other and bring themselves into a really complete understanding of all the gifts and talents and abilities that God has given them so that they can make full use of them for themselves and other people.

Now Jesus and Mary explain to me as well that people today have a problem with understanding what They explain to be the very central part of the Oasis Message and this is the Eucharist and the Rosary and yet They explain that really the whole idea of the Eucharist and the Rosary isextremely simple. They explain that when Jesus lived His Life He livedit in a very happy simple loving way and when He was at home in Nazareth this was achieved with His Family in a very simple peaceful free and individual way.They lived Life very quietly and simply but They lived Life very happily and They built up with each other in the family, a Way of Life which was very very positive and uplifting so that They could move into the neibourhood and help people to see that Theirs was a happy Life and They believed in happiness and joy and showing people that happiness is really is really what Life is all about and helping people to understand happiness was what Life was all about.And then when Jesus left home to begin His Public, when He moved into His Public Life Mary followed Him and made a home for Him so that He could return and be with Her and find a peace and comfort there. And as Jesus moved out into the environment with His talks and His parables and His healings and His miracles He simply tried to show everyone that He came in contact with, that they could be happier by knowing Him- they could be helped by knowing Him- they could begin to understand by knowing Him that Life should be happy. And this some people were not able to accept so through many silly negative emotions such as fear and jealousy and suspicion and distrust -then Jesus realized that He would be placed in a position where He was really prevented  from continuing this Message of Hope and Joy and Happiness and Peace and Love and He knew at a certain point that e would have to face death because of this simple belief in Love and Goodness and Happiness  for everyone and so He decided that after He died He would leave for the people a Way in which they could continue to understand that Life could be Happy and Peaceful and Loving and and Free and full of Hope and Joy and this was the Eucharist. The night before He died He shared it with His Apostles- He shared the Bread and the Wine with His Apostles telling them that if they continue to do this they would be simply drawing into themselves all the Love Energy that He as God and He as Man was able to provide them with so that their Life could be  very Loving Happy Peaceful and Strong and they could give this Love to other people and other people would begin to unite with them into a bond of Loving and Living together which would be so beautiful and this would simply grow and grow and because of this Loving and Living bond the World could be very very happy.

Now as we know the Eucharist has not really been understood fully in this way and people are not allowing this beautiful loving bond to develop with each other and Jesus and Mary explain to me that the Rosary is simply another way of trying to explain to people that they should be Loving and Living together in this supportive way- a way in which they can bring happiness to each other and make the World a happier place.

The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary try to explain to us that the Holy Family at Nazareth lived this kind of Life- this Life of Kindness and Goodness and Generosity and Sharing and Caring and helping each other. And Jesus on Christmas day came into the World simply to do this - simply to show people how to do this and make people very very happy achieving this.

The Sorrowful Mysteries explain that in some kind of silly way Man doesn't really want to understand this happiness at present and so History as developed in such a way that Man is bringing all sorts of unhappiness on Himself through this lack of Loving and Living together and Jesus Himself offered to endure His terrible Suffering on the Cross and His Passion to show people that He really did wish with all of His Love - with all of His Heart- all of His Life to take this Suffering upon Himself and try to show people finally that they could get beyond this Suffering if they would simply look at Life in a very Simple way- a very open way- a very Hopeful way.

And the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary show us that Jesus Himself because He could see this Way of Life so clearly - this Beautiful- Happy- Joyful Way of Life He was able to actually bring His Own Life beyond Death into a really uplifted way of being alive- He rose again in a lovely way of proving that people really are able to go beyond Suffering into a Real, True, and Glorious Happiness which leaves Suffering far behind and Jesus showed us this by His Resurrection and told us that as He left us after the Ascension to be with His Father in Heaven He would finally come again to show people that they could really begin to achieve for themselves this beautiful way of Loving and Living which would lift them into a happiness and a Peace which was really perfect.And through the Oasis Message Jesus and Mary are explaining to me that this Beautiful Event in the World will shortly happen and people who can simply believe that Life should be Good and Beautiful and Happy and Loving and believe with all of their heart in a God Who has made the World to be like this and made people to be like this- these people will simply finally be shown that this is what Life is meant to be- this is what people are meant to be and God will simply be with people finally in a beautiful development of Love and Light and Peace and Happiness to show the people who are with Him that they can be very very Safe-very very Peaceful- free and absolutely Happy - Loving and Living with each other and with Him in a really Glorious New World which Jesus and Mary explain to me really will finally happen and really will finally be acheived on Earth- so then the people involved in this will simply finally understand that Life on Earth can be really and truly Perfect.


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