Mary's Final Triumph- a more detailed version (2)

This is an 'Auric Picture' of Maureen sketched by a 'Mystic' in Norfolk U.K. More information follows the text of the main Message.

This is an 'Auric Picture' of Maureen sketched by a 'Mystic' in Norfolk U.K. More information follows the text of the main Message.

(This is the transcript of side 2 of the cassette  entitled Mary's Final Triumph. Again in the form of Locution so let the words just flow.)

From Maureen.

The whole development of this Vision which Jesus and Mary are explaining to me will depend upon a very clear and simple Sign which God will bring into the World at the point of a major initial disaster- before then disasters will have occurred and Mary explains that people will certainly not be prepared for these. People are really living at present in a way that is so apart from God that they don't understand that He wishes to help them. Mary in all of Her Messages and Appearances throughout the World is asking people to Pray- She is asking people to Pray because  Prayer is that inner, very deep bond with God which lets people be enlightened to understand the way in which God wishes them to move as individuals.Mary explains to me that people really are so far away from a real bond with God that they are not in any way listening to what He is saying. If they are not understanding what He is saying, they are not trying to do what He is asking- they are not trying to live their Life in the way that He needs to see them living their life before He can bring this help into the World. Mary explains that this Supernatural Help is ready and waiting but people really don't understand that God wishes to bring it into the World very quickly so that people can be helped by it in an immediate way. She explains that really people are not understanding at all that this catastrophe which She explains will be of massive proportions is ready to erupt- they don't think it really will happen-they are pretending to and they are living out a fantasy which is based upon very often a fantasy approach to Prayer and God. She says that this is so distressing because all She can do is to try to let people see, through Her Appearances and Her Messages that Spirituality is very Real and God is very Real and God is also the Being Who is very very close to people and wishes to be very close to people in a Loving way. He wshes to help them- He wishes to help the World out of this dreadful mess that it has landed itself in- because Mary explains very clearly that it is not God's doing- the state of the World is not God's doing- God created a beautiful World and He ceated Man and Woman so that they would live in it and make it so perfect that it really would be Heaven. People are destroying the World- people are ignoring God- ignoring His wishes- ignoring His desires to see the world developing in a Loving way and people are really developing their lives in such a selfish, greedy, ego-centric way, a way which is linked with status and a desire for fame and a desire for material goods and possessions, that it's lost all idea of the meaning of Life. Mary explains that the real meaning of life is Love- God is Love- God is Life- God wishes people to enter Life so fully in a Loving way that they're living with each other in this way and bringing each other into the fullness of Life so that Suffering disappears. God doesn't wish to see Suffering and the amount of Suffering that exists in the World today is so dreadful that She explains to me that God is desperately waiting as it were to help people - but people are so mesmerized- people are so disbelieving in their approach- people are so concerned with their own little status and their own little silly ways of behaving, that they are not approaching God or His Messages or His Messengers in any realistic way- they are trivializing them.

This Vision to myself is explaining that God will bring into the World finally a Secret Plan which will be the culmination of His Design for Life. This Secret Plan will allow the World to enter into a Final Restoration which will be quite amazing. Mary explains that God has allowed Her as His Mother and as the Woman of the Revelations to join Him in the completion of His Final Plan.She will be the Human-being Who will link up with God- link up with Her Son in a very clear and visible way to show people that Way very clearly but She tells me through my private Vision that this whole development will need to approached in such a trusting way, in such a loving way, in such a sincere way that people really will have to enter into a complete Purification of themselves and their motives. And this Oasis Message has been trying to ask people to do this of their own accord now to really enter into a Way of living which is simple and Good and Sincere - looking at themselves in an honest way because Mary says people really can't assess themselves- people don't understand what they are doing- people don't understand their own motives or very often their motives are completely distorted- most often centered on themselves and their own desires. And She explains to me that the tragedy of this is that She is understanding everything that is going to happen and people will be in such a state of shock that they won't be able to cope- She is trying to prepare them in a realistic way so that they will be able to cope- and the best way to prepare She says is for people to take a very simple honest look at their Life- to see as clearly as they can why they are living their Life in the way they are- to see if it makes sense to themselves in a good and sincere way - to try to understand if they really are letting God into their Life in a real way or a way which is not manipulating God- to pretend that God is there and so pretend that they ae hearing God when really they are hearing themselves and what they want to do- this is not hearing God- this is not listening to God- this is merely fantasy and hypocrisy- and the terrible demoralized way of living which will certainly not be able to cope with the events of the future- the events which are upon us now as Mary keeps trying to explain in all Her Messages.

As the Woman of the Revelations Mary explains to me that Her part in this Final Plan will be tremendous because She has been given the prerogative by God to bring into the World a very clear understanding of the Power of Love- She is the human-being Who is so close to God that Her ability to Love is absolutely Powerful and God's Power of Love as we know is the sustaining Power which keeps the Universe, keeps Creation in existence. Now in this Final Revelation of Love Mary will link up with God as She did at the Annunciation- She will give Her Love to God completely and Jesus will be of course so much bound to Her that this beautiful fusion of Love, the fusion of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will provide people with a very visible Sign, this visible Sign will be quite clearly from God and people who are able to attune themselves to God, attune themselves to Spirituality in a Real Way in a Loving way in a Good way in a Simple  way- these people will understand how this Visible Sign can help to protect them.


The Auric Picture - an explanation.

When the Message and Maureen's experiences became public whilst still living in Peterchurch a village  near Hereford in the U.K. we became friendly with an Anglican Cannon David Byford and his wife Elizabeth. Their actual Parish at that time was in the Midlands but they used to come to the borders of Wales for their Retreats and this is when and how we became friends.

David knew a fellow Anglican Cannon Revd.Robert Llewelyn who took care of the Norwich Shrine devoted to Julian of Norwich in Norwich City. Robert recognised many similiarities between Julian's and Maureen's Messages and writings. He also knew of a particular spiritually gifted man in Norfolk who could produce an Auric Picture of a person from a given photograph- the name of the person was not required just a photograph of the unkown person. Maureen agreed to provide David with a photograph of her in a  'yellow anorak'.The result was this ' Auric Picture' together with a written description of meanings of the various colours and their particular meanings in relation to Maureen's Character and her Mission in Life.He only knew Maureen as the "A Woman in Yellow".

The full text is available in Maureen's Archive.

                      Joseph for Maureen.

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