From Maureen's Diary - St. Theresa.St. Francis. St. Peter, St. John

To care with you,
to share with you ;
to live and laugh
and love with you.....

To care with you,
to share with you ;
to live and laugh
and love with you.....

Early in her experience regarding 'Inner Locution' Jesus and Mary allowed her to speak to special people. Today 1st. October is the feast day of St. Theresa  ( The Little Flower).Maureen had a special devotion to St. Theresa and St. Theresa sent her the following message:-

'I would like to offer my congratulations in the whole context of what you are doing - I know that I have perhaps been a little help to you and I hope to help you much more from now on. Isn't it funny how you read about me as a little girl and how you immediately identified with me in so many ways. I always hoped that there would be someone living after me who felt love so deeply as I did on earth - you are achieving this and this is a great blessing. I hope that you will find strength from all of us here because we want to help you - we have been through the ordeals and trials and as it were know what it is all about. I hope too that the time will come when I can take you by hand and usher you gently into this beautiful place. I think of you as my little companion in love as does St. John. Please be with us always I am starting a campaign up here for all of the little souls that you come in contact with to help, we here will ensure that our prayers go out for them and that they will be reinstated into happiness with the efforts of all. You see my confidence. It has always been there hasn't it but we will achieve great things together in love and at the end of the day we will be so grateful to each other for drawing little souls into God. I am still the little missionary- you are a missionary too and together we will go into the world with our great strength Love is always my vocation. Do what you will you cannot suppress my love - here it is boundless and at last I can fly.'

                                              Much love to you Theresa

In the same way Maureen had a special devotion to St, Francis of Assisi because of his love of nature, animals and ofcourse he focused on the Crib the Nativity scene. He was allowed to speak to Maureen. Today 4th Oct. is the Feast day of St. Francis so I thought it appropiate to read his mesage.

St Francis to Maureen

I should like to say as an introduction that the whole attempt to see a total concept of life in terms of Love is one that we of course accept totally here. My dear Maureen let me show you how to actualize this Love in terms of a real effort - it is easy when you know the way of hope and redemption. I was a person of great faith and I believed totally in a God of Love. This is the way that enabled me to set the targets that I did in terms of propriety and used to be strict with myself to the extent that I began to realize that the actual effort which I sustained was totally inefficient in terms of hopeful enterprise. I therefore decided that the most useful way of living was to accept the whole ongoing issues in a way  which I could direct - this meant that my life became increasingly orientated to a deep dimension of  activity in a related scheme of optimistic endeavor. I loved to live the life of Christ in my own dealings with people. Yes the Leper, that was a real enterprising effort for me and yet because of it I emerged wholly refreshed invigorated and totally emerged in a life style which directed me to God.

The Crib too was a way which emerged for me in a hopeful style because I wanted to show the real nature of Love in its human setting- It was an occasion of hope for all because the reality allowed it to represent to us all the dignity of the baby who came to save. The concept of the crib is a whole concept of loving action it incorporates the same idea of living and loving which is paramount in my own life. I lived and loved becuse I based my ideals on a God who lived and loved. I am a person who has to have a model and my model was Jesus. He is and was to me the whole idea of a loving entity in motion. He was the total realization of a world where sin and despair are neglected and put in proper perspective to the extent that the whole context of living and loving are paramount. Within this context I know that the uppermost issues are those which bind us to love. You see Love was my whole existence Love was the way I hoped to achieve my ideal and the way of the Cross became part of the loving and I emerged glorious because of this. Always recognize the importance of the Cross. It will take you straight to Heaven. But be joyful in life and emerge through the Cross in a sphere of hope and Love which are joyful. I know and knew joy and they are the messages of love and kindness which I wish to express. I can do this now in all activity and I offer these gifts to you with my love.


Again Maureen was allowed to receive a message from St. Peter.

St. Peter to Maureen

Yes I was a bit of a grumbler Jesus will tell you that of me bu he understood me so well and saw straight into my heart. This was what enabled my great response to him because although I could be rash I was also a man of caution which often deprived me of much happiness. Christ drew out of me this happiness for with him I was always at rest and understood fully what I wanted from life. To be with him was always a burning desire you would have to meet him to realize the spell that he cast over us all and I an older man who had had many experiences in life. Somehow his arrival showed me clearly what I had been waiting for his power was there immediately and we responded long before we saw any miracles performed. My dear you are like me in your impetuousness but Jesus sees in you as he saw in me great love that needs opening up and setting in proper direction so that much can achieved. He never was dismayed with me even after my betrayal. He treated me with great gentleness .I cannot describe to you my feelings after that betrayal. You will never know the depth to which I sank almost in despair my love. But Jesus somehow came to me and made me see that really I had in no way let him down. He explained to me that it is a necessary part of human nature to be afraid and that fear if it eventually overcome provides for a strength which is remarkable. He made me realize that because of my weakness on that occasion my fear had been thrown into my face to the extent that I saw my weakness, fully abhorred it, and determined to set myself to rights. This determinaion linked with his help served me and gave me great strength. Pentecost was for us a time of great enlightenment when things came into focus and despite our great sense of loss for Jesus we felt renewed with a fire and enthusiasm that could not be kept down. My dear I know only that I went forward with Christ and for Christ from that moment that my strength never failed me and that at the moment of my crucifixion I only wanted to supercede everything that I had hitherto achieved for my great master. The indignity of my death was swallowed up for me ten thousand fold by the great inspiration I felt on knowing that I was near to being with him again. Always stay near to Jesus Maureen in this way your strength will not fail you you will be given it in magnification when needed and you will fulfill things you did not think possible. Keep your humility walk in his path, listen to us all and you will be so happy in eternity.

                               Love Peter

Message from St.John.

St John, says- Don't be worried about all that is happenning to you - you are being very brave- all facets of Life have a meaning and you are being clearly shown many facets of Life. This is a difficult undertaking and one that is bound to create in you a certain upheaval. I know this through my own experience of Life and I know through the related experiences of my colleagues. Please be with us in your enterprise we are looking forward in Love to it. You are caught up in an existence of great bounty where there can be no effectual significance other than that the enterprise is successful and precious.

Things of the heart are always precious and I knew this so deeply when I wrote my Gospel. It was a work of the heart and was guided by the heart of all hearts. The heart is an interesting phenomenon because it is the seat which leads us to knowledge and the knowledge we need is so simple because it is the essence of the heart which is Love. The Love emerges from the heart and can enter the world in a state of flux. Its creativity allows for passages of great ardour and pith and its direction is always faultless. My writing was inspired by the movement of my heart, but my heart created within me a store of knowledge which was boundless and which seemed interminable to the extent that my writing capacity was never satiated. I wanted so deeply to convey my Love of Jesus, this for me was total meaning of existence. I did not know Heaven but knew something of it from my experience with Jesus.

After his death the understanding of him deepened so tremendously it was as it werte a great light shining with such power that it had to be expressed in words and conveyed to the world. The world must know the strength and the beauty and the dominance of the man who saved us and must learn to link him with a Godhead that became ever more real in the light of him who personified it. I have written many things Maureen in my writings but the greatest truth to me is in the words that I have so simply and clearly stated that the Godhead exists in terms of an undeniable unity, a unity which cannot be dissolved and which gathers each one of us into its totality. We grow here into a fusion which cannot be seperated or identified other than in this totality. We are at rest here and in motion we have our own being here and our fullness and depth. St. John is writing this to you with great love, please read my works try to understand because in understanding you will be coming closer to my great love and yours.  

Much Love always John.

The following follows on so I believe it is also from St. John.

I love you deeply we all love deeply here and the depth is in truth here and the truth is in depth and in that depth we are one with a oneness which is complete and has no other existence other than its own oneness.

Totalitarianism is a concept which attempts to corroborate oneness but overlooks the necessity for a prevailing love and acceptance of the other as part of the oneness while allowing separate identity. It cannot therefore achieve fulfillment as a maxim because its thoughts do not centre on real wholeness- wholeness is the essence of Truth and Truth is part of Love and Love is everything centred on a point of union.

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