More short Diary Jottings from Jesus and Mary to Maureen.

When Jesus and Mary first began to converse with Maureen she was quite ill for a period of time and she made quick jottings in a notebook. These are some more of her jottings that I recently discovered. There is no definate order in them= some are very short but all are very deep and thought provoking-Some have a title some don't the following is how they appear in her notes I will give spaces between each note as some are not titled.

Perfect Love - Jesus

So long as we remain in ourselves the energy is short circuiting- loses its purpose and becomes negative. We can draw in the energy of God which is Love, this must be used to energize others and can be done by drawing those others into ourselves - drawing from them their positive qualities to merge with our Love strengthened by the Spirit- because then we set them back on their way re-energized.In the process the positive qualities drawn from them whether basic goodness etc or even stuff from their suffering which you ask to be made positive will re-energize us with Love (reciprocal act of Love). So the more we draw men to oureselves then lose ourselves in the act of Love for them (symbolized totally by Christ's Passion and Crucifixion) the more we re-energize ourselves positively with a Love and strength which gathers momentum - and merges more strongly with the Love of God. God is Love- the more we are energized by His Love the more we become part of God. The more we become part of God the closer to Heaven we are. The stronger our Love ,we are the fuller and deeper will be our appreciation of Heaven.

With our own suffering we need to relax, draw God into ourselves - with all His positive energizing qualities - offer our own positive qualities- the suffering to be put to a positive use- reciprocal acts of energizing.

Love - Total relinquishment of self. Relax into me- yield into me- surrender into me- Trust into me - Love into me.      Jesus

Mary said that when Jesus was suffering in His Passion, in Her total dejection, misery and near desolation She called upon God and Jesus. She never doubted that God was a better Being than herself and then She relied on His better knowledge, understanding, and goodness to allow Jesus' death to happen.

Mary's most terrible moment was when She heard Jesus' words "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me ". In that moment She drew on all Her energy to pass it through to Jesus- She knew that it was a momentary experience but knew too that every possible ounce of Love Energy had to be called on - and united with Her Son to combat the terrific force of Evil (encompassed and encapsulated) in that moment.

Jesus speaking to Maureen about Truth.(remember Jesus is speaking to you through Maureen)

Once again Truth is such a difficult thing isn't it. You my dear are always searching for it longingly and this is part of the nature of Truth that it as if it were magnetized to those who search for it. It is as I have said a strange and difficult concept one which has taken moralist and philosophers years to try to comprehend and decipher. Jesus will tell you now that Truth is simply the ability to see and to know Love and to Live for that Love with a desire to enter into its fullness completely. This is the essence of Truth because Truth in its entirety merges into Love and Love cannot possibly exist without Truth. One is an element of the other and the two together are a total unison of harmony, this is the great mystery of Heaven to some great extent unfolded. The more we can grasp the Reality of this the closer we become to a God Who is in His very nature the existence of Truth and Love. Jesus says this to you with Truth and much Love. Please believe me I have given you a profound insight into the nature of Heaven my love.


Mary 1988.

You can't feel until you can touch- active participation is important. Through communication comes refinement of feeling. Don't deal with things just in abstraction and theory, know the reality through personal involvement. Reciprocal acts of Love involve sharing and giving and taking - will lead you to Heaven, time as such will become meaningless and merge into Eternity. As the Love becomes stronger its beauty and delight more powerful and the suffering and pain grows less until finally consumed in Love - this is Heaven, eternal Love and bliss without pain. If we could be like this on earth suffering and pain would diminish- we have the powers.

12th Feb. From Mary.

Love is totally negative or destructive if turned inwards - must be outgoing- a reciprocal movement one gains energy from the other and gathers a momentum and strength, that is why as many Souls as possible are needed for Heaven - the more Souls the more Love.

I asked Mary what is the Soul ?

The Soul is the meeting place the central point of our existence- Humanity fuses with the Divine and becomes one essence- still retains its uniqueness and individuality.

The Heart is the storehouse of all that filters through the Mind- it is the seat of inspiration the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. The Heart also stores the emotions of Man which when they fuse with the Divine Spirit take root in the Soul to give strength and direction. We must all try to locate our Souls which are our True selves. It is here that the True harmony is achieved ,Body,Mind, and Spirit but united with Divine Love in a reciprocal act of Love which spills over to others and creates Peace.      Reciprocal Act - as you sow so shall you reach out to others.

Jesus talks to Maureen about Praise.

Jesus says what lovely moments of praise you are enjoying this morning. Jesus wants to add His. Don't every be afraid of praise, false modesty in an encumbrance. Praise should be accepted joyfully and returned lovingly to God. We can only be praised if we have done something laudable and we can only enter into this laudability if we rejoice with the source of all this- the Godhead. Jesus wishes to relate to you a moment in His Life when He was given great praise and this was in the Temple with the wise  men as a child. They considered Him so marvelous and full of knowledge and He was so delighted because they were in fact praising His Father- you see it is this idea of unity and oneness again,- one is not complete without the other. One cannot be praised without the other rejoicing and that praise is part of Himself. An ongoing hymn of praise is what God delights in and we must participate in the reciprocation of the praise when it is over due- Jesus loves you deeply- go forward now with great Love and courage.

Good Friday

"My God Why hast Thou forsaken me !"

At the point where there had to be total abandonment Jesus was no longer Himself as a person-had to merge into God- 'God in Him- He in God'. At that point the sense of annihilation became total- couldn't hear God. God couldn't speak to Him He (His self) no longer existed independently.

" Father forgive them they know not what they do " Jesus said these were the most difficult words for Him to say - if He had not been able to say these His whole Passion would have been meaningless. Even more difficult than "Thy Will be done" because He saw clearly now what all the suffering had involved. If at this point He could not have made that act of totally selfless Love - True Love could not have joined with Love of God the Father to bring about Redemption and the activity of the Holy Spirit.

Words- unity and separation are totally important words.

Christ's act of abandonment on the Cross united Him in never ending Love with the Father. He drew to Him all men (pasy, present, futer) who had separated themselves from God through Sin and through Himself He drew them to the Father's Love and won eternal Life though Love for them. Man's mission in Life is to take up the gift of Eternal Life but he can only do this by uniting with Christ in ove. So long as he separates himself from God ie. Christ there is disintegration rather than unity. This is individual man - but the theme works for man as a whole so that men can work for other men to try to preserve the unity of Love - take on their shoulders the weakness of others as Christ did- work towards a perfect unification in Heaven- 'Our Love is not mere words but something real and active '

A poem kept coming into her head :-

The Love that I have is all that I have, and the Love that I have is yours - and the Love that I have and the Life that I have is yours and yours and yours.

Life must be Love because God is Love- My God and my all.

Separation from God for Eternity is totally abhorrent to God- but He Himself cannot bring about the Act of Unification. It is up to His Son's Word the Holy Spirit living in us all and our response to keep active Christ's Redemption of Mankind.

Mary has such an important role- She is the model for Humanity. Christ gave Himsel up to suffering as the greatest Act of Love - when there was not one iota of need for Him to do so. Mary although sinless, in Her compassionate humanity can lead us to see that suffering in ourselves is needed to purify our Love, we negate Sin and make us worthy of the totally pure Love of god which awaits us for Eternity.

After a quite intimate talk to Maureen about her illness Jesus asked her to find a poem she had written called "Sad New World" and to read it every day as a prayer. He also told her that she was going to get better physically but because They both knew Maureen had a big heart she would share with Their Hearts and would know a lot of pain in her heart. Jesus said " Do you realize it will be worse than the suffering you have now'. He said they would always be close and that They would never leave me in desolation(I had my desolation) He had His  he said and he knew desolation, He said on the Cross.

Poem- Oh Sad New World 

Oh Sad New World

Haunted by the cries of the starving

Sick by the misery of the lonely,

distorted by the obsessions of the greedy,

        wounded by the hatred of the violent.   

May our hands reach out if only from a distance

May our hearts bear  even a fragment of the burden.

And through our prayers may Mankind know

A New Peace, Health, and Harmony.


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