Annunciation-Visitation- Nativity (transcript from Locuton)

This is a transcript of a Locution given to Maureen .


The Angel Gabriel visits Mary and Mary responds with such deep love to this message of hope that She becomes in that moment of response the way in which humanity can enter into a bond with God which is allowing it to restore itself to grace and everthing of God  that is beautiful. Mary wishes to give God such deep love that She unites with Him in the most deep bond so that Jesus as the Word of God can become an actuality in flesh. He can actually enter the world in a human way and He can enter into human life in a concrete way. Mary's response to God was so deep in Love that She through Her love allowed God to enter the World as a human being.This beautiful response was Her way of showing God that She believed that He wished to save the World. He wished to let the World become the most beautiful place of Love and Light and Peace and She wished to help Him to do this in such a beautiful way that this really was the most perfect act of Love.She gave God Her Love so that She could unite with Him in Love and bring into the World through the power of the Holy Spirit God made Man. God made Man Who would bring Man to a final Redemption which would allow him to enter into Heaven in a beautiful completion of Life on Earth.

The Visitation.

Mary understands that God is asking Her to enter into this bond with Him and become His mother in a human way and this really is the very beautiful development of Life which Mary enters into with God. She shares with Him everything that He wishes to give to the World because She agrees to be the Mother of God. She agrees to use this beautiful motherhood as a pact with God to show that She wishes to unite with Him in this Love for the World and when She hears that her cousin is about to give birth in her old age Mary wishes to share Her joy with Her cousin and let her cousin share Her joy with Her because this reciprocal act of sharing, caring, and loving and living was Mary's personality in action. She wished to give God the most beautiful description of Her way of living and Her way of living was full of Love, full of empathy which let God see that She believed that if She loved Him She would love others and this caring act with Her cousin shows how deeply She cared because Elizabeth in that moment of meeting recognised Mary to be a woman of great stature, a woman of great Love, and in that moment she and the child within her womb recognised that Mary was carrying within Her womb the Saviour of the World.

The Nativity.

Jesus enters the World, Jesus enters the World in a moment of purity which is so beautiful and magical and simple that those who were able to share it reaised that this was a perfect moment. The shepherds who came to see Jesus realized that this was a moment of perfect bliss because they were pulled into the moment in a beautiful understanding of everything that was light and bright and simple and colourful and they understood in this mment that something was happening which was very important for the World. The Kings who came to see Jesus realized this too. They were pulled into this beautiful moment and they experienced a happiness and a peace that was perfect because Jesus in the manger gave to them the most beautiful feeling of peace, the most beautiful feeling of happiness, the most beautiful feeling that here was the moment of perfection which allowed God to enter the World in all simplicity, humility, peace, light. The manger was flooded with Light, Jesus Mary and Joseph radiated this Light because this Light was Love and they were full of Love. They were full of God's Love for them, their Love for God and the moment of this reciprocal love was so beautiful that it radiated out in a splendid moment of brilliant lightness and brightness and colour and peace for those who were able to enter into it.

(This s a transcript from a locution given to Maureen on a tape -we were able to transfer it successfully on to a Cd-although there is a little background noise- the full locution takes in the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary, I have chosen these three obviously as we approach Christmas- at the moment I am unable to get a clip on to the website for you to hear her vioce as she listens -but the CD is available -just contact me.)

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