Heart of the Message -part 2

Inner Stillness.

The first essential for this skill is to be able to find an inner stillness. They say that God is stillness, so we can't find Him-get to know Him- unless we can learn to be still ourselves. So it is vital that every day we set aside time to get away from the hustle and bustle of Life and just try to be still with God. Now this, They assure me, doesn't mean necessarily getting down on our knees, trying to be holy, trying to impress others or pretending that we want to fo it - we need to really want to know God in a simple, relaxed and easy way. So the key to this stillness is that it is relaxed. Just settle down, open your heart, feel complete abandonment, reliance, closeness- just begin talking to God simply, rather like a child, or just sit there quietly. It might even be in the garden enjoying the scenery - just let God take over. The important thing is to be humble and sincere, don't pretend. If we do ask for something always ask for something that can be used positively and with love. Each person will come to this part of the skill in a different way, it will be a personal meeting with God. They assure me that if we really are sincere, if we pray from the heart like this, God will come to us and let us feel His Love and His Energy. He will let us get to know Him, get attuned if you like to His way of thinking- we will be enlightened- we will really understand ourselves to be very close to Him.

They do ask us to begin the stillness by using our imagination, to think of God as Love, Light, Energy and also our Soul in this way. Then to draw the Light energy through our eyes right down into our Souls, so that it fuses with the Light in our Soul and centralizes in the solar plexes as a bright radiant colour. Then ,as we breathe slowly and rhythmically, to visualize the air too as Light coming in and growing  brighter inside us.At this point we should  visualize our heart pumping this radiant Light Energy, this Soul Energy round the body- flooding every cell- making us feel lighter and brighter in every way, experiencing a sense of well being. At some point in the future as They  develop  this rehabilitative energizing skill it will be vital for us to be able to visualize in ths way. It will be as if our heart, pumping the energy round the body, will be linking up with God's Heart as He energises. We will be able to store the energy inside us as Soul energy, for positive use in daily life.

They promise that as They actually teach the development of the skill those following it will develop so much in the process of enlightenment that there will come a point when we will really enter a new dimension of thought and understanding with each encounter with God. At a certain level we will experience real ecstasy- a feeling of complete happiness and peace where we see things as a whole, in a full dimension, we will realize that we are there with God in His Heart and everyone else is there too. We will feel complete in His love, at one with Him and everyone. Everything will feel synchronized and whole, we will then see how to use our Life fully to enter a full dimension of happiness and have complete well-being.

Developing our Soul energy is a vital part of the rehabilitative skill. However the whole purpose of God's energy is that it gathers momentum and increases in the World so the skill will teach us how to use our Soul energy to allow this to happen. It will be a reciprocal enegizing process. Just as God energises us with His Love so too we will learn to energize each other- this is the active part of the skill. They say that it is vitally important that we learn to interact with each other in our day to day living. If we concentrate on ourselves - isolated within our own ego- we will wither to nothingness, no energy will gather.

Their scheme of Loving and Living will show us that each of us has a definite part to play in the whole.They will show us clearly and precisely how to begin Living together in Loving union, drawing from each other all that is positive.They will show us how to use our Soul energy to energize and uplift each other, support each other.

We cannot use it just for ourselves- it must be used reciprocally. They say that even now we can begin to see each other as beings of Light- not beings of greed, money, and power. We must begin to think of our Soul as a transmitter of Light into the Soul of the other. We need to see the other person as a source of our own energy, draw from him everything that is positive, so that we can in fact begin to energise each other. As we do this They promise that Life will become a really uplifting experience a whole strengthening process, where all that is positive is developed as part of the strengthening, goodness,kindness, compassion, empathy, sincerity, Love all that is true , because as humans we are meant to be like God. So God's energy will flow right through us gathering power- the power of the Holy Spirit. This will be a build up of positive power in the World, a new force of energy. As we  see each other as beings of Light we will be able to look right into the heart of each other, the Soul of the other and find God there.

They say that in the days ahead of us there will be a period of time when it is going to be absolutely vital to us to have this attitude this process of energizing. Those practicing the skill will know how to help each other to survive, they will know how to pool resources, strengths and energies. Apparently at this stage there will be model villages in existence following the skill and showing the way. It appears also that the more we begin really seeing each other as Light, the lighter we will become on all levels. It will be as if at the moment we are living in a fog and our vision is blurred. As we develop the skill we will see and understand much more clearly- things will come into focus mentally.

Physically our fitness will return, we will be lighter and more energetic, it is as if gravity is at present dragging us down, whereas we should be drawn upward to the Light. A new ethos of spirituality will develop where our Souls will really come into their own- all our emotions will work on a lighter, higher frequency attuned completely to Love.The World will become a lighter and brighter place, a whole new absorption of light into the World. In fact the whole idea of Light energy apparently works on the principle of fusion-light draws light, fuses and multiplies all the time creating more energy and light.This is how the Sun gathers energy. Mary tells me that we will actually begin to radiate light.The light energy-Soul energy- will be clearly seen around us as an aura. When one thinks of pictures of the early Christians and Saints we realize Her statement isn't rally unusual. Obviously some reality, something seen, inspired artists to paint halos- as radiant light around the head of various figures. In this context one of the recent apprearances of Mary in 1980 to Benardo Martinez, a tailor in Nicaragua, is interestng.Part of a vision that Mary revealed to him showed a group of people in contemporary dress radiating light. Mary told him that they were showing the glory of Our Lord and said " You people will acquire this if you are obedient to the Lord's words".

According to my message, as Their plan- Their scheme of Loving and Living develops people will be working together in this way so that a total ethos of humanitarianism will develop. It will be deep Love for each other based on a true altruism, true agape we will want to be like this. Another interesting fact is that They state quite clearly that pain and suffering will diminish because men will be working so fully with and for each other that they will actually uplift each other beyond pain and pain will develop a completely new perspective. There will be a strong resurgence of faith-many will have real Zeal, a burning desire to do good- the Holy Spirit moving freely in the World. In fact, through experience we know this to be true. A moving true story showing this principle in action is 'Miracle on the River Kwai'- the worlk of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Jean Vanier with his L'Arche Communities to know it can be done.


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