More Gentle Reflections from Maureen's Note Book 3

Keep Life Simple - Mary 1991

Mary has always stressed the importance of simplicity and its integral link wth spirituality. She also sees it as the natural way to happiness. It is often when we allow our life to be burdened with complexities that we in fact create problems ourselves.

Mary-  "Simplicity in life is the basic way in which I know we are truly happy, because if we keep life simple we are really closest to our natural way of life in terms of happiness. You see, if you think of life as a way of existence which allows you to pursue your whole motivation to happiness, then you must understand that this can only be if you allow yourself to see clearly the meaning of happiness. If you are simply at one with your life in a basic way of living fully but simply, you are fully aware of your whole reliance on God to bring you to a full state of happiness. You keep close to Him like a child, and you never forget to trust His Love and His whole way of giving you the simplest things in life, to bring you to a loving way of seeing Him in your simplest understanding, as the whole way to happiness in life, without which all material extravagances are totally negative and destructive in your happiness"- Love Mary

Individual Plan of Action.

Jesus is emphatic about the fact that we each have an individual responsibility for our life and we have a positive contribution to make as part of the whole pattern.

Jesus ...."Please remember that I have allowed you to see the whole concept of Peace as a way of life which you must understand as a basis for the whole way in which people can begin to understand the nature of wholeness. This is simply the way in which people can begin to use their own ability to develop within themselves a new way of thinking in terms of wholeness. So that they understand themselves as pat of a whole movement of life which can offer themselves a part to play in its development, and this means that they can enter a field of activity which suits them best. You see, they need to be aware of the basic effort which must begin to show them that they can use each part of their whole nature to enter into a lovely relationship with God and each other,so that their life begins to show a unique pattern of development into a lovely way of fulfilling themselves in a proper and satisfying way. Then I know that they will enter into a lovely  effort of wholeness, which will allow them to see themselves really as part of the scheme of God in terms of a lovely way of purposeful loving and living in His Heart."

Be Creative - Jesus 1990.

Jesus and Mary stress the importance of living life fully and creatively to be happy.They wish us to enter into the scheme of 'Loving and Living'  with wholehearted zeal, using our individual gifts and talents to help fulfill  ourselves and others.

Jesus - " Everyone can discover what suits them best by really understanding that they can only be happy if they become wholly united in with God in a new way of thinking of Him as the basic life-force in terms of activity. So that whatever they do they will see as a means of using their talents to develop a whole pattern of loving and living in a simple way of seeing that they can enjoy life fully if if they allow their basic philosophy to centre on being fulfilled in an easy attitude of creativity.This means that they know how to use their gifts to relieve a monotonous development of their life which will only detroy them as people of loving wholeness, who need to see that God wants them to use their effort in a multifaceted way of loving and living to enable them to share in a full response to the beauty of life.This they will only find if they see themselves as a basic part of the whole pattern of loving wholeness which God has created in order to develop it into a beautiful pattern of lightness in terms of a whole lovely way of Peace."

The Ideal Life.

Jesus and Mary have given much detail about Their interpretation of the term 'Peace'. Always it is bound up with ideas of perfect Love, perfect happiness, perfect unity and wholeness. It embodies the ideal life which They now wish to prepare us for, and which we can only enter by learning to play our individual part in its development.

Mary 1990 -  " Peace is in fact an incorporation of Love, in a whole effort of recognition which achieves a delightful sympathy in that this sympathy is the whole acceptance of Otherness into a total unification of Oneness, which achieves a whole ideal of loving unity in a way of Bliss".

Happy Hours - Mary 1990

At Nazareth we lived in a wholly beautiful way of lightness. You see we saw each other as beings of lightness, and we entered a loving way of living to respond to each other in a fully happy way. We loved life and lived it fully, drawing on each other to become stronger in love and living, and this living drew from each other every positive moment of our happy hours together, to offer them with love to our whole way of being together in loving wholeness in God's loving Heart."

Jesus 1990- Prayer.

"When we pray we enter a new level of perception which attunes us to God's perception so that we are able to see much more clearly the whole situation or concept."

Joy in Life - Jesus

" Joy is the most beautiful effort of us all in a lovely way of seeing the heart of life and living. Because with a real understanding of the love of life in each of us we perceive that we can unite with each other in a deep joy of loving and living which unites us with God in His loving and living in us, so that we become involved in a lovely sharing of our love; and the joy of this experience is the wholeness of loving and living with true life."

Poem from Mary to Mauree

Heaven - Mary

When I arrive at the whole place of meeting,

When I see the whole meaning of the total actuality'

When I hear the complete aspect of truth in toto,

Then I shall say to myself How great are thy doings Oh Lord.

What shall I say when I hear the waves of sound ?

What shall I do when I arrive at the shore ?

When shall I meet the whole of my living ?

Here in the place of all Redemptive meeting

Here in the arms of the One who is near me always.

(More reflections in Maureen's Note Book 4)

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