This is a short clip from Healing Moments which is a much longer CD.

Maureen's own introduction to her series of Meditation/Relaxtion Cd's

"How we need to find peace of mind in this hectic world where there is such negativity and confusion. I believe that in order to move into a feeling of equalibrium we really do need to touch on that part of ourselves,-our soul- that true, deep self, that can show us our meaning more clearly, and let our whole being find harmony and balance.

The following CD's are an attempt to open up this way by slowing down the body and the mind, and leading into a deeper level of conscious awareness.

They can be played regularly, at a quiet time of day, and with regular use can re-inforce the more positive peaceful feeling.

They are approximately 30min. long and are each divided into 3 or 4 sections, each with a seperate meditation. "


(Sorry at the moment there seems to be problenm reproducing the clip on the website- just click below for a direct link to Maureen's Channel and the full version.)

Maureen's Audio and Video material is now available on her Youtube Channel- the full versions of these beautiful Relaxation and Meditation Cds. Below is a direct link to her Channel.

       Click Here for Maureen's Youtube Channel

Over the years Maureen did develop 2 blogspots- these are still available- just scroll down and make use of the Archives- much of her daily reflections, photographs and thoughts for the day are to be found on these sites:-

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