Holy Spirit talking to Maureen about The Holy Family

This is a Direct Locution from Holy Spirit to Maureen - She asked about the Holy Family this is the reply. This reply is quite mystical but nethertheless perfect- They would use a mystical style quite often probably to convince Maureen herself that it wasn't coming from her.

Holy Spirit -The Holy Family

It is an actual fact that there nowhere exists in reality a superative issue in this connection to the extent that I know the real facts are to be found in a daily recourse to a situation where the paramount issue is one of great Truth and overwhelming rectitude.Holy Spirit knows that the main function of the family is to reassert in a most upright manner the duty of God's family on earth in a way which is actual and complete. If this happens there is a whole continuation of the overall grandeur in terms of a right occassion and this is where the Holy Family comes in. It is the complete model for the occassion which arises in Life to the extent that it offers freely a means of rectitude in a calm and soothing milieu to the extent that the whole concept of reality falls within its scope, It is the real attitude of living which is the scope of its actuality and it relies on a total encapsulation of Love to surmount any other attitudes to living in this context.

Jesus and Mary and Joseph are those to whome you apply when you are in great need of redirection because within the whole framework of this living model is the sure way of certitude in a context of hopeful activity and rectitude- bound always by a total conception of reality in a sure and safe approach to living. This is where you can safely go when the rest of a weary world is at a loss to show you a safe path of recovery.

I am sure that this way which is the most beneficial because I have approached the whole issue in terms of gratitude. It is from this approach that you can measure the whole context of the situation and realize that the way of loving here is of tremendous affect in terms of reality. Please Maureen be good and faithful to the image that you perceive in terms of reality which is based on this  model family because within its reality is the Heart of the Godhead and the Heart of the whole Message of religious activity. It is the sphere of optimal beneficence it is the orbit where influence of geat graces and redemptive qualities. I ask you to approach this with great Love and adoration and to keep the concept always clear in your perception. Use it my dear when you feel the need to absorb all action in terms of a real effort in Life - it is the centre of activity it is the center of promising enterprise in terms of a real approach, it must be utilized in this context and seen to be the real essence of a living bond between Me and the Godhead - in fact the whole dimension of Truth which exists in total unity with a grand scale of activity and rest. This is the whole meaning of the Holy Family's example to the World- use it.

Holy Spirit.

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