Moments With Mary Chapters 8/9/10

These are the final chapters to Maureen's Audio Book, you can listen to Her reading the book on Her Youtube Channel-just click below for a direct Link:

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Chapter 8.

So the whole understanding of Life that Mary was offering to me was making much sense and this idea of God giving Life so that a momentum of Life would build in a very loving way made absolute sense to me- and yet the picture of Life that I was seeing was so devoid of this, so apart from this that I became increasingl aware of the great gulf there was between the Vision that Jesus and Mary were offering me and the Reality of Life that I am seeing. Because as Mary was explaining to me this way in which people were living Life was so devoid of everything that God was wishing to see that I felt that there was little hope for the World and I just didn't understand how the Vision that Jesus and Mary were offering to me would be able to be accepted by people. Mary explained that of course this would be very difficult because people were simply not in tune with this way of thinking and further more people were not understanding that people who were visionaries were able to give them a perception of Life which was very clear and true and real and as such there was such value in this perception that if people were able to follow it they would be moving all the time into a very real understanding of everything that was good and true and beautiful- and God would be seeing this and God would be understanding that there were people who were moving with Him in this realistic way. And this final development of Life would be able to begin fairly rapidly.

But Mary was explaining that people were so far away from a true understanding of the Soupernatural and a true belief in Visions and Visionary experiences that they were simply playing with them they were simply exploiting them and using them for their own fantasy, and they were really not entering into a true understanding into what the Visions were offering to them and because of this the World was simply moving further and further away from any true understanding of Life and a Supernatural dimension of Life. The Spiritual dimension of Life was becoming increasingly devalued and Life was really losing sight of the Truth- this was a shocking statement that I really felt most demoralized  and I knew that God would really have to provide the World with some very concrete understanding of Himself if people were to ever accept Him. Because I realized that He Himself had become such a myth that there really was no way that many people were accepting that He was real. Mary explained that God was perfectly aware of this of course and this final development would allow people to understand very clearly that God was real because it would be linked with a physical development which was very visible. She explained this in such detail that although it was quite a spectacular explanation it was also making much sense to me and I was understanding also that people who were simple and good and loving would be able to relate to this happening without any problem. Because if you like their Soul would be attuned to it, the sense of spirituality within them would accept this happening and they would be able to relate to it in a very physical way because it would actually be to do with Light.

Mary also explained that people who were good and loving and kind and simple and sincere would be the people who would be able to see this Light, because their vision would be able to tune itself to it very simply and they would be enlightened in this because God would give them much grace and their perception would be as it were clarified so that they would understand quite clearly not with their reason but with their heart.

Because Mary explained continuously to me that true understanding, true vision and true enlightenment comes from the heart and this can only be achieved with Love, with the sense of Love, with the understanding of Love that She was explaining to me. This empathic understanding of Love which is real, which is true, which is not a pretence, which is not a false synthetic appreciation of Love, which  really is pretty nonsensical and meaningless- so She was explaining that the people in the World who were on this wave length as it were, who were attuned to Love in a real way would be able to develop with this Final Plan and be helped by it and be able to move with this very ordered development which would nevertheless be very simple, and they would be able to protect themselves from the upheaval which would develop within the World. She also explained that God was providing for these people a most beautiful development which would lead them increasingly into a way of living that was bound absolutely to Love and to light and to a true understanding of happiness, because they would simply be working together in such a simple beautiful happy way that this would lead them increasingly into a World which was perfectly beautiful, and happy and peaceful and free- and this World would become for them a New World which was alight with Love, alight with God's Love and their own Love fusing together in a blend of Love which was so harmonious that it would be Heaven on Earth.

Chapter 9 

So the picture became clearer and the Vision became clearer and the way in which I could see Life developing was also becoming clearer. I could see quite simply that the World was moving itself into a very demoralized state, in the politcal situation, in the social situation, the economic and religious situation, and everything that was bound to any kind of organized bureaucratic approach was becoming so confined that it really was not being offered as Truth or Reality, and people as individuals were  becoming mesmerized . And people as individuals were not understanding how they should live their Life  and people as individuals  were showing very clearly that the philosophy that they mainly possessed was based upon  materialism which was very gross and very shallow and very debased. And I was also understanding that there were very few individuals who seeme to be able to break out of this pattern. Very few individuals were able to make any kind of inroads into a very simple true philosophy of Life in a consistent way and very few individuals were living their Life in a way which was peaceful, free and happy because they were feeling so many constraints in their Life that Life was very unhappy for them.Mary explained that this certainly was the case and this would certainly continue until the Event which She explained  to me in great detail would happen.

She explained also that this Event will be so sudden that people will be completely unprepared and She also explained that many things will shortly happen within the World situation which would throw people into a confused state, because the political, the econoic, and the social and religious spheres would become increasingly unstable. She explained that into this chaotic scene there would emerge a type of Government which would be centrally controlled and which would be based upon a most autocratic regime which would begin to force countries into it.She further explained that as this happened many countries will move into this system and many countries will be deluded to understand that this would benefit them in an economic and social way. And many people would be led this way and many people would then begin to realize that this way was so autocratic that it really was allowing them no freedom whatsoever and they would then further understand that there was no way in which they could lesson their feeling of being encased in this system because it was controlling every facet of their Life in a very dreadful way. She further explained that because people had lost the ability to think for themselves they would continue to allow themselves to be led this way into a very demoralized way of living which would begin to abuse human Life and human living in an atrocious development which would escalate into a massive system of controlled warfare.

She also explained that simultaneously there would be developing within the World a very clear Supernatural Development which would show people in a very visible way that there was an alternative to this authoritarian regime which would allow people to begin to develop their Life within a sytem which was based on Love.

The economic principle behind this system would be one of Loviing and Living and caring and sharing and this philosophy would be a criteria which was very necessary if people were to enter this sphere as Mary explained it to be. She also explained that in order to enter this sphere people would need enlightenment and as such only certain people would be able to understand.She explained that Her Messages within the World were trying to let people see that the Spiritual is a Reality, and She was trying to let people understand that this philosophy of Loving and Living was a necessary one. But She was also explaining to me that people were really missing the point of Her Messages in a very erroneous way because of this they were simply not attuned to Spirituality in a real way and they were not living their Life in a way that She deemed to be correct.She further explained that as this dual event occurred many people who were outside the scope of orthodox religion would be very aware of this Supernatural development, because they would be living their Life in a way that was very attuned to it, and so these people would move in the correct way, whereas many people within the orthodox religious system, because they were not really entering into Spirituality, but were using the religious atmosphere as a prop would simply become extremely confused and would not be able to assess for themselves the true nature of this Supernatural development- because many orthodox religions were instilling such a sense of fear into people that they would become extremely inhibited and because of the World situation and the extremely chaotic and eruptive development they would relly become totally confused and mesmerized and would allow themselves to be duped into a way of living that was not Good or True. In other words they move to the untrue way because they were not able to assess for themselves in an individual way, they would rely upon other people to lead them and many would be led the wrong way.

Final Chapter 10.

So the Vision that Mary was offering me I understood to be a perfecty  beautiful Vision because it was explaining that people would be able to see that God was offering to the World a most beautiful perfect help which could let them enter into a relationship with Himself which would protect them totally from every mistaken development which would enter the World. Mary was explaining that this would happen in a very definite way and it would happen in such a spectacular way that the beauty of it would become absolutely involved in a final understanding of Life as bound to Beauty and Goodness and Truth and Love and Peace and Freedom. Because Mary explained that the people who could move with this Final Development of Life would be lifted into such an enlightened understanding of Life that they would be moving continuously into a way of living that was perfectly beautiful and happy.

She explained that in order to do this they would have to reach a level of living that was utterly altruistic because they would have to organize themselves in such a way that they were giving to  each other all the Love that they were able to, in other words Mary was explaining that the people who would work with this Final Scheme, this Final Plan of God would be asked to live Life in a perfect way. And She explained that although this certainly was an idealism it was the idealism that God had created human beings for- Jesus explained this within the whole concept of The Lord's Prayer and Jesus lived His Life to show this and Mary lived Her Life to show this,and Mary was explaining to me that really there would be people who could achieve this.

She was able to understand this,She was also able to understand that people would be able to achieve it in a very uplifted way, in other words people would be given much enlightenment and grace and help and a really  simple understanding of Truth, because She explained that this Supernatural Development which would be very visible and ould be linked with Light and Energy and would be so much understood as God's Power- God's Spirit of Life- that people moving with it would simply be encased in it.The Spirit of Love and Light and Peace would finally envelope these people draw from these people so holistically that they would be able to move together , that they would be able to move together in a harmonious development which would be letting their spiritual energy merge with their physical energy and their mentality in a way which was very integrated. In other words people would unite in Body and Soul and become Whole Beings. Mary explained that this really would happen and She explained that I would be able to help people to understand this development and I would be able to explain the visible part of this development. So as far as I am able to explain this tiny part of the Vision I've tried to do so, I know that many people in the World today feel that they are needing something that will lift us beyond the dreadful dismal picture that they are seeing and so I just hope that these people will appreciate that I have pursued this Vision because I believe it to be a perfect Vision and I do believe it to be perfectly True and Real and if I were to ignore the Vision I feel that Life for me would be so empty, so meaningless, so nonsensical so depressing, so demoralizing that I just wouldn't understand at all why I was living my Life- So this Vision gives me hope- I hope that this Vision gives you hope, and I feel that as far as I am concerned and as far as Mary is concerned this Vision will become a Reality soon.


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