A Safe Haven- Transcript of DVD talk.

This is a transcript of  Maureen's talk- so let the words come in a flow the grammar is not too important here. The video recording is available on Maureen's Youtube Channel- a direct link is available  

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-this will take you to her video and audio channel. At the moment I have retrieved 8 Video talks.

A Safe Haven

At this particular talk we did have some music provided by Piere and Gilio.

I would like to welcome you tonight to a little Oasis Evening and because we are approachng this lovely season of Easter I would like to wish all the Joy and Love and Peace of the Easter Season.

Now the Oasis of The Holy Family of Nazareth is a Message of Love and Peace and Joy and before I talk a little bit more about it I'd like to ask you with us for a moment to pause for a short prayer and reflection asking The Holy Spirit as you are listening to help you to understand what I am saying to you- so just for a moment please be with us ----pause--

  The Message of The Holy Family of Nazareth is a very comforting, hopeful, Loving Message and this is really why I would like to share it because it is so brimful of hope for the future. Jesus and Mary explain that the World at present is in a very depressing and sad state. They have explained this to me for many years and They have been increasngly explaining that the state of the World is becoming so demoralized now that God is being left completely out of it - Love is being completely left out of it- and Man is choosing to lead himself and the World into a very disastrous state of affairs. Jesus and Mary explain that this disastrous state of affairs is really upon us now and we are moving into it very rapidly and They would say that into this whole development there will be a Totalitarian type of Political System that will emerge very quickly at the point of disasters and will force people into a very amoral debased way of living where God is really excluded completely. They call it nihilism and They say that we are on the brink of this. They also explain to me through the Oasis Message that God in fact is aware of what is happening because He is the God of Love and He has created the World to be a beautiful place- He has created people to be very beautiful and He wishes people to Love and Live together and He's not seeing this. He has also given people Free Will and he sees that at present Man is choosing to move into this very amoral lack-loving way of living.To me in the Message Jesus and Mary explain that God does have a Secret Plan - It's a Secret Plan that really has been talked about in the Old Testament, in the New Testament and in Revelations to St.John- and They explain through the Oasis Message that really this Secret Plan is about to unfold very strategically- the Message of the Holy Family of Nazareth has a lot of private detail which I am not really able to explain at present but this private detail is also  very comforting and reassuring.Jesus and Mary are explaining that as the disasters and calamities happen in the World - God's Secret Plan will come into operation at this point and it will be able to help people vey very forcefully. The Secret Plan in fact will offer a Protection and Jesus and Mary explain that this Protection will be very very physical as well as spiritual- people will be able to be kept within their environments very very safe and secure and well despite such things as radiation which will be of a colossal nature- now this is an enormous statement - but Jesus and Mary are explaining that this Final Secret Plan- this Final Supernatural help- this Final Saving Power will be able to help people to overcome all the negativity in a very very simple way.However people's ability to be helped will really rely very completely on their ability to Love and Live together- because Jesus and Mary explain that without Love, without without a Loving heart people won't be able to be helped by this final Supernatural help. They say the Supernatural Help will be very visible, it will take the place of a Visible Sign- but They also explain that not everybody will be able to see it- not everybody will be able to be enlightened into it- people if they can Love- people if they can open themselves to Love will understand- will see- and be able to link up with this Supernatural Help this Visible Sign- which will take the form of  an energy which people can use in their neighborhood and their environment to protect them and give them light and heat and energy as this goes in the World- because They say that as disasters occur- light and heat and energy will rapidly go from the World.

So this Oasis Message is really a very very positive hopeful Message- it's offering people a promise, a protection- at the moment it is actually asking people to believe this so strongly that they are moving into this Protection in a practical way and the Oasis Message is giving quite a number of guidelines- through audio tapes and script material to explain to people how they can move together within their neighbourhood in a very simple protective scheme .It's also very specific I mean it does actually talk about categories of Food Clothing and Shelter and gives people some informaton as to how they can move along with these categories in a loving interaction. They call Their Scheme, Loving and Living and They are saying that if people can work together in little loving ways now they are actually building up a sort of stability and confidence in each other, because, you see that Jesus and Mary explain that really people have lost the ability to Love - people's hearts They are icy cold- people are living within the family, within the neigbourhood and hence within society, in such a cold way that they are shutting themselves off as individuals from other people - there's so much fear- so much suspicion- so much jealousy- there's so much hatred and this They say is what we are seeing.

Prayer They say comes into it, prayer is fundamental. But They say that really the essence of prayer is Love, and Mary has been asking in all Her Messages for people to have this real live prayer from the heart - that goes out into Life in a Loving way- not the sort of prayer that shuts people off from Love, because Mary would say that to pray without loving is just a nonsense. So please tonight, as you have listened to what I have been saying be aware that it is a very beautiful Loving Hopeful Message and it offers a very beautiful promise for the days ahead in the World- and if you do want to know more- if you do need help- if you do wish to move into the practical scheme that Jesus and Mary are offering just simply be in touch with me and I will offer you the help that I can. So now I feel that this really is all I would like to say. I would like to ask you to finish with me a little prayer that in the days ahead God gives us all the warmth of the heart and the Love that we need and that the Holy Family stay with us to guide us and show us the Way to go.

Maureen thanks Piere and Gilio for their music as they finish with a little medley.

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