A Simple Approach to Being Peaceful (Video)

This is a transcript from Maureen's DVD - Which is available for you to watch on her Youtube Channel -                                                            Click Here for Maureens Youtube Channel Video/Audio

Also remember to let the words flow - grammar is not too important here.

A Simple Approach to Being Peaceful

I would like you all this evening before we start to be really relaxed and at ease and I'd like you to listen with the heart to everything I am going to say - just relax and let the mind slow down - let that conscious mind slow down and release itself from all the jumble and pressure of the day and let your heart open out to hear in a simple loving way everything that I would like to say to you tonight.

I would like to start with a prayer to the Holy Spirit becase this Vision of The Oasis- this Message of the Oasis the Holy Spirit is  very involved

So Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy Faithful kindle in them the fire Your Love- send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created and Thou shalt renew the face of the Earth.

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our trust in thee, keep us protected and safe and show us the True Way.

The Oasis Vision and this Oasis Message is all about Peace. The Vision is the Vision that has developed over the years and is a very large and comprehensive Vision. Mary explains to me that it's a complete Vision  because in its totality it is linked very closely with God's Vision and She explains that God's Vision is the Vision of Love and Light and Peace.God has a Final Plan for the World and God wishes the World to return fully to this Love and Light and Peace and the Vision that Mary is explaining to me daily is concerned with a development of this Love and Light and Peace in the World.It is also connected very closely with a Protection which She explains wil be offered to those people who can quite simply believe in God. She explains too that the World is very removed from God, very removed from any kind of real belief in God and sadly She says that many people who profess to believe in God are really experiencng a fantasy belief which is based on their own egos and their own desire to manipulate God in a way that they wish. Peace therefore is critically important in the World as we know  the World is removing itself very far from Peace. Mary explains that the World is full of a complete distortion of Peace a complete misunderstanding of Peace-- a complete denial of Peace and hatred and greed abound in the World today. The Vision that I am involved in is increasingly explaining to me the nature of Peace and through the Message that I offer to people from the Oasis, which Mary explains to be a patronage name- The Oasis of The Holy Family of Nazareth - is a patronage name a protected name and through this Vision, through this Message I'm aware of Mary's great desire to offer people a way of Peace which is truly protected and safe as the World upheaves itself very drastically in a way that is abominable and absolutely deviod of Peace. The Message is therefore a very hopeful and optimistic  Message because Mary is saying that God because He is a God of Love- because He created the World out of Love- because He has created people out of Love in His Image- wishes everything of His Creation to return to Love and Light and Peace. So She is saying that if people can really believe this, if people can really accept this and know that God wishes them to join Him in this Vision of Love and Light and Peace, then they can help Him to bring the World back. Now Mary is saying very clearly that people are not concentrating on this positivism. She explains Positivism to be God moving very forcefully and positively through the World with His very Life-force which is the Holy Spirit of Life and Love and Peace and She is saying that if people are really aware of this they would be wishing to move with this positivism in a really viable and realistic and honest way and they would be first of all trying to find within their individual Life and this is vitally important because we can't move with other people in Peace unless we begin to find Peace within ourselves and Mary explains that the way we find Peace within ourselves is to find God within ourselves. To find God deeply within us in a bond which is very real because if we are fantasizing about this- if we are pretending about this we're really not making any kind of relationship with God that is real or true or deep and solid and we're not getting to know Him and we're not getting to know ourselves Mary explains that the deeper we go into our relationship with God the deeper we are going to understand ourselves which is meaningful and True and Real.And as this mutual relationship develops this reciprocal loving relationship with God develops we begin to find Peace because we begin to find that the meaning of our Life is Love and Light and Peace. God has created us in His Image as Beings of Love and Light and Peace and She explains very clearly that people are really not understanding the meaning of Love - not understanding the depth of Love and the Reality of Love and unless they begin to move into a relationship with God which is real and true and meaningful they will never understand their own meaning. So first and foremost Mary would ask people to understand that God has made them in His Image to be with Him in a very beautiful happy peaceful loving relationship- if we come about this giving ourselves time during the day to meet Him in this loving relationship we will increasingly develop our Life in a True Way. She explains that people today are caught up with so many false images, so many conceptions of themselves that are untrue and unreal that are very much linked with materialism and the materialstic development of society which is so superficial that it s allowing people to develop themselves in a very superficial way which is not really themselves. To find our true self She says we have to let go of all the false images - the false Gods- that are holding us back from a true understanding of everything that we are and She says very clearly that when we begin to find everything that we are we realize that we are very much bound to God and He can let His Energy and His Power and His Strength and everything of Himself work through us so we are beginning to utilize everything that He has given us. All our faculties all our power, all our creative abilities and skills everything that we are in a True way. And this Oasis Message is very much about the True Way and the True way says Mary is to begin to realize that we are Beings of Love, God has made us with Love, with His Love so that we Love - so that we Love very fully and deeply using every unique talent and ability that He has given us in our unique bright light colourful way as  an individual so that we can move out to other people in this individualistic way using every ability and skill and talent every power and faculty that God has given us every gift that He has given us out of Love and we use these with Love for other people because this is exactly why God has made us and if we use our abilities and skills and talents of ourself in this way in this way really we are functioning in the way we are meant to function and increasingly we realize this because in the depth of our Being  and the depth of our heart, in the very centre of ourselves we know that this is why we have been made.If we are living giving our false self, our ego more prominence and giving ourselves all the Love that we wish for ourselves in a selfish way then really we know deep in ourselves that this is not true, this isn't real, this isn't the way God wishes us to be and we certainly don't know Peace. So Mary would ask people to begin to understand this real meaning of Peace, this real approach to be peaceful and She'd ask people first of all to come at this in a very individual way because, you know, when we get together and discuss this over much the superficiality tends to come to the fore because the ego comes to the fore and people are not being very ruthlessly honest with themselves. So within this first recording and the first part of the Peace programme I'm including a questionnaire *(the questionnaire is on the Home page) * which I would like you to approach very much in an individual way and use it to come at your own Life in an honest a way that you can because this is the only True Way- this is the only Real Way - if we pretend to ourselves and fantasize- if we make all sorts of excuses to distract ourselves from the Truth- we won't ever know Peace, so please come at this questionnaire, honestly, simply, in a realistic way then at the end of this recording there will be some practical suggestions and if you wish to work together in a group, because as Mary is saying its no good developing this peaceful relationship with God and realizing that we are Beings of Love Light and Peace who are to use everything we have of ourselves for the benefit of other people if we are not socially interacting with other people- so this social interaction is vitally important and it is in fact the way in which we can help God to build up a momentum of Peace and Love - but again Mary would say for goodness sake be honest - the motives here are terribly important because She would always say that if the motives are right and true then the action that follows will be positive.If people are doing things which on the surface appear to be very good and loving and helpful but behind these actions there is a lot of negativity all the human failings that we really have to be aware of in ourselves, if these are becoming prominent and if the ego is becoming prominent and we're not really going into this social interaction in a way that is truly wanting to uplift each other and make each other happy - if behind the whole setting is or desire to be the centre of attraction or put ourselves forward or let everybody see how clever or important we are then really the whole development is a non productive development. So Mary is saying really that what we should be concentrating on is a social interaction which is very simple beautiful, happy, loving, kind and this can develop in all sorts of ways using our abilities and skills in a genuine sincere unpretentious way- things like music, art, and concerts, singing and dancing- She wants Life to be joyful- She wants Life to be happy but She does want Life to be simple and loving and if we go about the interaction with other people in this true way then She says very clearly that we're moving the right way, we're moving the way that God wants us to move and in the days ahead He will be with us to move us increasingly in an enlightened way which will offer a Protection which is very real and concrete and visible and linked with this Way of Life - this  simple, true, honest, loving way which He believes in and which He wishes to return the World to- so the people who are with Him will increasingly be offered a help which is God's Power -- the Power of His Love coming into the World in a very forceful concrete realistic way which the simple folk, the loving folk, the folk who are true- whose motives are absolutely on target, the people who are very bound to God and His Love and His desire to return the World to a real understanding of love- these people will simply be enlightened to understand the beautiful Protection that God will offer in a very visible way, a very Powerful way and they will be moved into a Sphere which is Protected-- a Sphere which is constituted of Love -- where Love is seen in all its splendour in all its beauty and they will contribute to this beauty and this splendour so they will truly be seen as Beings of Love and Light and Peace- and they will be helping God to create this New World of Love and Light and Peace - so as we finish now I will say good evening to you all and Peace be with you.


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