Transcript of a Video/DVD talk-A New Enlightened Vision

Maureen gave a series of Video Talks and I have been able to convert them to DVD.This a transcript of one talk- please remember her words come in a flow so try to read them in a flow- grammar is really not involved ! She never made any written preparation for her talks -just quiet meditation and as She said let the Holy Spirit Flow.

*** This talk is now available to see and hear on Youtube-

                   Click Here for Maureen's Youtube Channel Video/Audio

Maureen always began her talk with the prayer to the Holy Spirit and the prayer to The Holy Family.

Come Holy Spirit Fill the hearts of the faithful,enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love- send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created, and You will renew the face of the Earth.

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You

Keep us safe and protected and show the True Way.

A New Enlightened Vision

So tonight I would like to talk a little bit more about the Message that Mary is offering people and also would like to explain how clearly I am understanding and She is understanding and God is understanding that nobody is very much interested. You see Mary explains that people today have a very myopic vision, in other words people are not seeing clearly and are blocked about many things in the way they see and understand and myoptic is really shut eyes, its a state of being, with closed eyes. And Mary is saying through this particular Message that the World today is really in this very dreadful blocked state and people really are moving though Life in what is said to be illusion. They're not seeing clearly, they're not understanding clearly, they're not realizng what Life should be. They're not understanding what they can make Life to be. And so She s saying that this whole understanding of True Life, a clarified perception, an understanding of everything that Life was meant to be- beautiful and good and bright and light and shining and happy, peaceful, free- everything that's gentle and loving and caring and all these things should be Life and Mary is saying that people have no idea that this Truth - no idea that this is why God has given His World Life- this is why God as given them Life- this is why God has allowed Life to be. He wishes Life and He wishes people to be so beautiful- so colourful- so bright- so light- so full of energy and zest and vigour and happiness and loving and caring and sharing with each other everything that they have which is good and beautiful in themselves- this is what God would really like to see and because people are going around in a fantasy- because people are blocked in their vision- because they are not seeing clearly- because they are caught up in the illusion of the World and people Mary says people have no idea that this is what Life is all about- this is what their Life is all about- this is why God has given them Life in a very unique way so that they can help Him to build up a most beautiful design of lightness,-brightness,- colour,- beauty,- truth,-goodness,-Love and they would want to be with Him because people would be seeing in an enlightened way- people would be seeing through God's eyes- their vision would be absolutely sychronized with His Vision and as Mary says when you see through the eyes of Love you see very clearly- you see very clearly and you begin to understand what Life is about, what you own Life is about- what God is about. Now everyone knows the World at present is moving itself very very quickly in an accelerated way into a whole misunderstanding of everything that Life should be. And Mary is offering many Messages to try to explain to people what Life should be- this particular Message is linked with the most beautiful Vision- the most perfect Vision because Our Lady explains that this is God's Vision and what God is saying is that as the World does now slide into a dreadful accelerated disorganization of everything that it should be- God will bring into the World a Supernatural help - which will begin to let people really very clearly understand everything that Life should be- everything that they should be- everything that they can do to make Life beautiful- anything that they can do to rid the World of the hate, the greed and the lust for power and suffering- so that people can live in real peace- in real happiness,-in real Love with a real understanding of themselves and each other and Life and God. Now this is so beautiful that Our Lady seems to say that people are not able to accept that it can happen, they try to push it away as some kind of dream- and yet She says very clearly but surely if God is a good God- a loving God- He hasn't made the World to be ugly and distorted- full of scepticism-full of negativity- full of hatred and greed and fear and every abomination of Life- surely He has created people to be beautiful- surely He has created Love to be the real meaning. Now Our Lady knows very clearly and I know very clearly through this Message that what They are trying to do is to let people understand that God does wish this beautiful Reality to end the World but He does need people to believe- He does need people to believe and Our Lady has asked people through this particular Message to act in a very precise way not in a fantasy- not in a way that is dreamy and based on illuson- but in a way that is very concrete and real and She has given a Pattern of Life that is very real- very simple- very simple but very ordered and systematic and based on every True Motive that is linked with Love and She has asked people to move in this simple pattern o life- which I have explained for many years through this particular Message. And at this point in the World situation when there is so much upheaval- so much confusion- so much bewilderment- so much suffering She had wished to see functioning Oasis Villages. Oasis Villages which were based on Her very structured ordered Pattern of Life where people were moving in a very simple loving way- interacting with each other positively- to care for each other in that simple livelihood way of food clothing and shelter, caring for each other using all their skills and abilities to do so- building around them anything that was needed for social amenities, for health care, recreational care, - a balanced lifestyle. Ver simple, very beautiful, very loving, very caring, very true, very real so as things erupt in the World people would be there in these Oaisis Villages,these places would be functioning and these places would be able to help in a concrete way and would be able to absorb many of the people who were suffering because they would know what the whole ethos of the Village was meant to be.They would understand what their philosophy was meant to be and God would be seeing people working in this beautiful True way,reflecting Him back to Himself so He could understand that the people in the World really were believing Him and Our Lady could see that the people in the World were really believing Her and at this point God would be prepared to bring into the World through Divine Intervention- because my goodness we need Divine Intervention to save Man from all the foolishness that is killing the World. So God would be prepared to bring in Divine Intervention a Supernatural Help which would be able to bring into these communities and villages and use it as energy which could be used both spiritually and phyiscally to build up an infrastructure within these villages and communities to give them help as energy within the World vanishes and is depleted because Man is going to meddle so much with everything that belongs to God- He's going to meddle with God's natural Order- we know he's medding with God's natural order now- He's going to finally show that he can completely upturn the whole situation into a destructive nihilism which intends to destroy Life. And yet despite this Message- despite the beautiful Vision that it is linked to- many parts of which are private at present because they relate to this energy and using the energy- despite this people have not wished to develop anything in any dedicated way and as you know we are sliding very rapidly into chaos. But God is Almighty His Plan will work- His Plan is a perfect Plan- She as the Mother of God and the Woman of the Revelations is very very closely connected to this Final Plan and so although the situation is very sadly as it is at present there are many individuals in the World who are trying to understand the Truth, understand what to do and are trying very truly in a really spiritual way to keep close to God, keep close to everything He wishes them to do and Our Lady promises that as the whole World situation develops now, these people will be given great enlightenment and help so the situation  is as it is. Hope needs always to be there doesn't it- because without Hope we despair and Life becomes meaningless. God will finally prove that Life is not meaningless- Life is absolutely meaningful and He will finally lift His Creation into not the dream-into Reality- into the Reality- into the Reality of everything that is Good and Beautiful and True- everything that is Light, Bright and Shining- everything that is Loving and Tender and Compassionate, Empathic- everything that is Mighty and Powerful and Strong to show that Love is the Power- Love is the Reality and God is Love. So there we are I like to finish now and wish you goodnight and God Bless.


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