The Oasis of the Holy Family of Nazareth - New Scheme of Order

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

Jesus Mary and Joseph we place our Trust in You. Keep us safe and protected and show us the True Way.

This Programme is a basic guideline into 'a totally protected Sphere' that Mary explains to be a 'New Order, based on Love'. The motivational drive of each individual will be the driving power behind the Scheme and will allow each individual to feel the need to orientate increasingly to an altruism that is perfectly pure.This New Order has to be perfectly motivated and actualized because Mary explains that unless human beings can really enter a new understanding of Life that allows each person to really appreciate his meaningful existence which is Love, then the World cannot survive.

She asks people to accept this need as a real one and She asks people to understand that the Way of Life proposed is based on a philosophy of 'Total Humanitarianism,'i.e. an altruism that raises human beings to a new level of living where an ethos of total spirituality merges with the concrete actuality of living to allow a development that is perfect in acceptance of the freedom of each individual as a perfectly equal aspect of God's creation. This philosophy must be the basis of each person's attitude and motivation otherwise any development into this Scheme of Order will not happen, it will simply be a fantasy approach that in God's eyes is meaningless and non-functional.

(1)The basic starting point is an understanding of Light that is rather new to our cognition and perception. It means that we have to understand that God is Light and this Light is Love, and everyone and everything that He has created is constituted fundamentally of this Light and Love. Because individual perception has been distorted we have become much less aware of this, and our rational consciousness has taken over to persuade us that we are not functioning on this level of lightness that is God's orbit, so we fall into a misundrstanding of who we are and what the World is. Mary wants people as individuals to begin to reorientate to a true understanding of themselves that shows them that they have been created out of Light and Love in order to work with Light and Love to energise themselves and each other.

Light and Love work on a principle of fusion. This means that each individual has the ability to use his basic life-force which is the light of his soul, to combine it with God's Life Force which is the Holy Spirit of Life and so multiply his own energy in a very active way. This energy can and must then be used in a perfectly positive, loving way to begin to create a new perception of Life that allows that individual to dominate his own daily life in a perfectly positive way that is protectng him from anything negative because he he is constantly drawing on God's energy and using it functionally to multiply it in his own daily activity by treating each person he meets in such a positive loving way that he is merging with God in that person to further amplify the Energy, so creating a momentum of Energy that is perfectly positive and forceful - very very strong and powerful because it is an amplification of God's Energy, the very Life-force, The Spirit of Life.

I can simply offer people, through my own experience a way in which they can begin to make a very deep connection with God on a basic daily interaction principle that involves very deep stillness and meditation.(Maureen offered locally sessions for relaxation/meditation- her CD's are still available on request -audio clips are available on the Website ).

(2) This is a simple approach to living that is concentrating one's effort in a realistic way that allows the individual to understand his abilities in a practical approach to Humanitarianism, so that he can really feel that life is meaningful in a true way. In order to achieve this development the individual needs to assure himself through meditation that he really is trying to do the good thing in a way that is not for selfish or egoistic reason to make himself feel better, but he is trying to use his abilities to really make a difference in the life of other people., so that they can feel better and they can begin to realise that Life can be beautiful and happy because they are being supported in a true way that allows them to feel safe and secure.

If each individual uses this guideline each day of his life to interact with those he meets within his own sphere i.e. family, work,social activity, then he is able to really feel that God is looking at him and understanding that he wishes to live his life in a true way that really moving synchronistcally with God's Creative Plan for the world, and so he is allowing himself to move with God in an ordered development that is helping God to see His Design taking shape.

I can offer a simple understanding of this through an actualisation of the Programme in as much as I offer regularly a way that people can use functionally as a social development in their own life to interact personally with those in the community that they meet regularly.(Maureen offered a variety of small social gatherings within the locality).If they can simply rely on God to show them that they are using this simple loving approach, then there can be no negativity in their motive ,their thoughts, their words, their actions and they can use the social occassions to actually energise themselves and each other with this loving feeling within themselves that moves outward in a positive momentum so that the whole atmosphere benefits. If one feels unable to enter into this loving communion because of negativity in any of the above attitudes then ofcourse the realistic approach is to stay away from that particular event, or to realise that one is contributing to a lessening of energy within the atmosphere that is harmful and non productive, in fact creating a non-development of God's Plan because the Spirit of Life and Love is being stifled.

(3)This Programme is really simple because simplicity according to Mary is the essence of Spirituality and this is the crux of all true living. Individuals need to understand that Life cannot function in the way God wishes unless every human being has the ability to fulfill himself in a realistic way, and so each individual needs to assure himself that the way in whic he uses his life is according to a Law of Order that acknowledges the right of each human being to live freely in God's world with no restriction of physical movement other than to ensure the safety of the community. This means that no person has the moral right to enforce an individual to remain within restricted denoted by area or country, and as such a free flow of people in the world is God's condition for a perfect development of the world in a geological geagraphical and social way, so that ethnic groups are not imposing barriers upon each other but are able to merge into a natural flow of interaction so that trade, commerce, social, economic, religious development ensure a balanced approach that is based on a coming together of diverse opinions and attitudes, and a harmonious integration of society is enabled.

Ofcourse only if Love is the root motivation will this work beneficially for humanity as a whole, but until people as individuals understand that God has created the world in order that people integrate freely with no barriers, then there really can be no real social development of Humanity along the lines of God's Creative Design- This Design is a Holistic Design of Light and Love where nothing and no one is isolated from the whole.

I can offer a way in which people can relate to this simply in a beneficial development that is allowing a multi-ethnic approach through a variety of functions where people in Third World countries are offered a simple understanding of their right to move into an economic  system where trade is based on an equality of opportunity and where individuals are offered a stability in terms of liveihood through their own efforts at self-productivity and sufficiency. The other fundamental aspect of a peripatetic society in terms of food clothing and shelter, is a fundamental issue of such proportions that people as indiviuals need to concern themselves with this through the various avenues apparent in their sphere, so that they see for themselves the need that is there, and understand how to help in a loving caring practical way.

(4) The Scheme of Order proposes a Way of Life that centres on this simple belief in God's ability to save the world, so the very nature of Life has to be energetic in function so that people can begin to reorganise life in this powerful way. God can only supply energy in this New Way if people are responding to His Code of Ethics which is a belief in the goodness of God and His world.This means that each individual has to decide the best way for himself to enter a relationship with God  and everyone and everything in such a deep loving way that this is creating with God an energetic impulse that is very functional, concrete and meaningful in terms of a Final Restoration.So each individual needs to think of a way in which he can enter his daily life using his talents in a meaningful way that adds to the beauty of Life. Recreation and leisure time helps people to refresh themselves if they are doing this in a way that lets them support their own idea of creative enterprise so that they can use this re-energised momentum to invigorate their daily sphere of interaction in a more positive way.The uplifting  effect of recreation means that the joy and freshness of living in God's world can then be adopted in terms of a further creative impulse to organise work and social activity into this positive outlook.

I offer a simple course of exercise and relaxation which incorporates this belief in Energy as the source of creatvity, but such a creativity has to emerge from a deep desire to organise this energetic impulse into a further flow of positive energy within one's life generally, otherwise there is no appreciation of the real meaning of the exercises and the energy will simply not appear realistically.

Health care generally is a need of society that has to stem from a true belief in God's desire to let people function holistically so that they can use their life functionally to enable Him to maintain and sustain a level of living in society that is beneficial for everyone. This has to be approached in a holistic development that allows the individual to care for his whole well-being in terms of psychological physical and spiritual integrity.So an approach to Life in this way needs to absorb a decision to use one's life in a real approach to relaxation, leisure, creativity, nutrition, meditation, work, social interaction in a balanced way that maintains a stability through its very nature in terms of harmony, rhythm and peaceful co-existence. This allows the individual to enter Life in a realistic commitment to Love and loving in every single moment of his day.

I offer a way in which people can move into this life-style through a course of action that they themselves can use daily to ensure a practical development into the Scheme covering the various aspects that Mary categorises.

(5) People as individuals need to realise that their own personal attitude and sense of responsibilty are crucial factors within this Scheme of Order. The need to live one's own life in such a sincere altruistic way that the whole Scheme is gathering momentum is really the crucial determinant of God's ability to see that the World and Human beings are worthy of a Final Saving Act. Mary asks individuals to move in a simple, dedicated approach that relies on an inner guidance that comes from God in such a clear way that they have no doubt as to its truth. Only with a realistic true and absolutely orientated approach can any inroads be made, and an acceptance of one's responsibilty and desire to reach this new level of living is necessary for an enlightenment that must exist, because without the enlightenment there will be no true progress, whatever the outward activity seems to be.

    Mary to Maureen

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